Chapter 3829 The Ruined Sect

When Jared and the others arrived, they discovered that Holden and the others were also present.

Everyone was bathed in the glow of that halo.

Only then did Jared realize that the halo was actually emanating from a dark cave.

Upon seeing the cave entrance, Jared felt his heart thump.

He wasn’t sure if that was the cave Vermilion Demon Lord had mentioned.

At that time, everyone was gathered around the cave entrance, but not a single person dared to venture in. After all, who would be brave enough to explore such an unknown cavern when the person who stepped in first would shoulder all the risks?

Everyone present was there for the treasure, but no one was willing to take the risk and lead the way.

“Mr. Vermilion, is this the cave you were talking about? Is there any danger inside?” Jared asked Vermilion Demon Lord.

Jared didn’t dare to recklessly

would I know? I already said I can only recall

recall, I’ll take the risk and venture in. If I encounter danger and perish, you’ll be done for as

rush me. Let me think carefully. I might be able to recall more

furrowed his brow, deep in

was evident he was giving it

“There’s no danger inside the cave, but whether there’s danger within Infinitnus Celestial Sect, I can’t say.” Jared hurriedly asked, “Infinitnus Celestial Sect? Are you implying that within the

sect in the celestial realm. I’m not sure how they ended up in the chaos dimension here. There’s

a world like Ethereal Realm be?

was excited to encounter Infinitnus

the words of Vermilion Demon Lord in mind, Jared walked toward the

and her companions were taken

forward to hold

it was no ordinary cavern and that there was a good chance it was fraught with

in blindly was

Jared said, “Don’t worry, everything’s fine. Just follow behind me and keep a safe distance. That’s all you

Vermilion Demon

had no choice but to let go of Jared and nod in agreement. Soon after, Jared walked straight into the cave, and not long after, Bianca and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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