When Jared realized something was off with Vermilion Demon Lord, he glanced at his own palm and was instantly taken aback.

Without him realizing it, the statue had transformed into a living person.

That person held a device in his hand. Donned in a splendid golden robe, he appeared quite youthful.

However, it seemed like the person couldn’t move and was supported by Jared.

Startled, Jared instinctively threw the person away, causing him to tumble onto the ground.

“You clueless kid, why did you drop me? Hurry up and place me on that cushion,” the man yelled at Jared, his face flushed with anger.

Jared studied the individual before him, his face etched with confusion. “Who are you? And why should I listen to you? Besides, judging by our ages, you’re not much older than me. How dare you call me a kid?”

“I am the leader of the Infinitnus Celestial Sect and have lived for tens of thousands of years. What’s wrong with addressing you as a kid?” The person glared at Jared in irritation. “After becoming an immortal, one can change their appearance at will. You are utterly ignorant to judge age by appearance!”

“F*ck…” Jared was flabbergasted.

The sect leader of Infinitnus Celestial Sect has lived for over ten thousand years? In that case, he is allowed to call me a kid.

a hurry, Jared placed the leader of the

as he settled down, the sect leader, Wesley Jagger, seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. His hands began to move slowly. Following that, the

you doing? This

he had managed to obtain after much difficulty was now being taken away


as the celestial energy ice block was

Jared to the

I have finally

bursting into

“You’ve absorbed my celestial energy

do you mean by yours?” Wesley looked at Jared. “The celestial energy pool has always belonged to the Infinitnus Celestial

suddenly at a

the truth, leaving Jared with no

it over!” Wesley beckoned to Jared

over?” Jared was

“The painting!” exclaimed Wesley.


he knew

treasured possession of the Infinitnus Celestial Sect, undoubtedly a valuable

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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