“Does this mean the legacy is incomplete?” asked Jared.

“Of course, if I had perished, you would have received the complete legacy. But as it stands, I’m still alive and you’re not a disciple of Infinitnus Celestial Sect. How could you possibly have the complete legacy?” explained the sect leader of Infinitnus Celestial Sect.

“So what’s the point of this Infinitus Token? Infinitnus Celestial Sect has been wiped out, leaving you as the lone leader. How am I supposed to get you to carry out three tasks?” Jared was speechless.

This Infinitus Token is totally useless! It’s not even as useful as that liquified celestial energy!

“How audacious of you to say that! Now that I’ve recovered, Infinitnus Celestial Sect will definitely regain its glory. This Infinitus Token is something many people yearn for, yet you dare to say it’s useless?” exclaimed Wesley, exasperated.

“I’m sorry to

these people from the Ethereal Realm seemed to

huff, too, and Jared was afraid that Wesley might do

three favors from Infinitnus Celestial Sect,


them all out. This Ethereal Realm was established by

pestering. Now, he finally found a chance to eradicate them once

Jared as if the latter was a fool. “Even though the Ethereal Realm was established by Infinitnus Celestial Sect, I, however, cannot interfere with its affairs. This is the Heavenly Law. I can’t just alter a world I created however I wanted, let alone make it vanish. I could do it

fully understand Wesley’s

controls the cosmos could cause countless dimensions to collapse with his sneeze alone, not to mention this tiny Ethereal Realm. However, he can’t do so. All beings must adhere to the Heavenly Law. Precisely because this Ethereal Realm was established by Infinitnus Celestial Sect, we must refrain from intervening

suddenly vanished into thin air after he finished

hall was utterly empty,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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