Chapter 3863 A Coward

The five elements beast was fiercely attacking, but Jared was comfortably hidden inside the Dragon Bell, utterly unscathed.

Gradually, the five elements beast’s attacks began to weaken, and its form was slowly fading away.

The five elements beast was transmogrified and did not possess a physical body. Once their energy was depleted, they would dissipate.

“No! You coward, show yourself!” Looking at the massive Dragon Bell before her, Selma roared, repeatedly striking the bell with her bare hands.

“I won’t. I’m going to anger you to death!” Within the Dragon Bell, Jared spoke leisurely and contentedly.

Selma roared.

“Ms. Selma, this guy is being a coward, so let’s take out all these Lunarius Palace holy maidens and see if he dares to come out,” Leighton reminded Selma.

They still had Bianca and others in their grasp, which was a perfect leverage against Jared.

burst into laughter. She roared at Jared, “Did you

please don’t come out. We’re not afraid to die!” Bianca yelled out

forward, delivering a hefty slap across Bianca’s face. “Who allowed you

Chance, and we absolutely cannot let the scoundrels of the Mueller family use us as leverage against him. I’m leaving first. You all catch up…” Having said

to sacrifice themselves, determined

Mueller family were

would be so fearless

of her hand, Selma unleashed a vigorous aura that instantly bore down on

auras were directly suppressed, unable

even the thought of ending one’s own life had become

the Mueller family operates? Resorting to underhanded tactics to defeat your opponents?” At that moment, the Dragon Bell suddenly vanished, revealing Jared, who

If you obediently kneel down and accept your fate now, I may spare these holy maidens. Otherwise, I will personally make sure you witness the holy maidens being humiliated to death one by one.” Selma fixed her gaze on Jared, speaking in

her strength wouldn’t last much longer, so she didn’t want to continue

a glint of lewd desire in

Jared instantly

worry about us, just

from the Mueller family are truly

I’ll show you what a beast is.” With a cold smirk, Leighton suddenly reached out,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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