Chapter 3864 Gone Mad

“Ah! You all conspired against my Mueller family! I will make sure you all perish! Every single one of you will die!” Selma didn’t expect Holden would dare to oppose the Mueller family.

After all, the Mueller family was a prominent family in the northern region.

The Olsen family was nothing more than a minor family known for making puppets. Additionally, Holden, the family head, was merely a Ninth Level Tribulator cultivator.

As such, Selma was astonished that such a minor family actually dared to oppose the Mueller family. They truly don’t regard the Mueller family with any importance!

Selma was seen bellowing loudly, her fair skin beginning to seep blood, drenching her body in that crimson liquid. It was a sight that was utterly terrifying.

As the blood seeped out, a blood mist surprisingly enveloped Selma.

The crimson mist spread, carrying with it the heavy scent of blood and a chilling aura.

The space all around had become distorted under the veil of that bloody mist.

causing a sudden drop in the surrounding air temperature. The area within several hundred meters began

shudder, forcing

at Selma, who had transformed into something akin to a monster, they were all left

technique Selma had used to

two members

couldn’t resist. Moreover, it seemed as though Selma had lost her sanity, and he feared she

around Selma grew more intense. Meanwhile, Jared’s eyebrows furrowed, his

a golden dragon materialized behind him, slowly emerging with

echoed throughout the entire Infinitus Celestial

Dragon was ablaze all over, indicating the elevation of Jared to Fourth Level Tribulator

charged toward Selma. Its body seamlessly glided through the void, and in

that, its sharp dragon claws were directly swiped

the golden dragon was closing in on Selma, the crimson mist surrounding

gushed from the vortex, instantly freezing the golden

that golden dragon was merely transmogrified, not a physical

it would have been crippled

talons, abruptly opened its massive jaws,

with the icy mist,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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