Chapter 3865 Too Hard To Handle

Those spirit snakes were severed, yet there was no way to stop them. They would simply reassemble and merge once again.

In other words, they were unkillable.

Jared was starting to get a headache.

“Don’t fret over this chilling mist. Once the person who cast it is dead, the mist will dissipate as well.” Vermilion Demon Lord spoke up.

Jared’s eyes lit up. He executed Blazing Stride, and his figure vanished in an instant.

When Jared’s figure emerged once again, he was already in front of Selma.

“Drop dead!” Jared swung his sword toward Selma.

Surprisingly, Selma didn’t dodge or flinch. Instead, she laughed manically with a twisted expression, “You wish to kill me? Impossible!”

After speaking, Selma’s body swelled rapidly as if she was about to explode.


in an

that moment, everyone was stunned, not understanding why

Jared knew Selma wasn’t self- destructing at all, but rather, she had merged him into that

the limit, yet

was retreat, hoping to escape from that cold

shadow, as

could only feel his movements starting to slow down, his body becoming

Ultimate Realm is indeed formidable. It’s so hard to deal with…” Jared’s movements grew gradually slower, his body beginning to

was surprisingly blood-red as

blood, but it

Bianca and the others were

numerous other cultivators also wore expressions of utter


began to coalesce in the sky. Suddenly, Selma’s figure

a cold gaze toward Holden

was no way they

their bodies seemed to

and the others could only watch helplessly as the chilling blood mist relentlessly swept toward

but await their fate without even the capacity to

mist, suddenly, a myriad of radiant lights burst forth from Jared, filling the entire Infinitus

golden light shot out, shattering the frost that had immobilized Jared

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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