Chapter 3866 Never Giving Up

In just an instant, the pervasive chilling blood mist had vanished without a trace.

Everything was absorbed into the Infinitus Token.

In the air, nothing remained but crimson blood, which gently descended.

That was all Selma’s blood, and everyone was drenched with it.

At that moment, everyone was stunned.

One by one, they watched the scene unfold before them, utterly at a loss.

They were all curious, wondering what kind of treasure Jared possessed that could seemingly absorb all types of aura.

Truth be told, at that moment, Jared himself was utterly bewildered.

He never could have imagined that Infinitus Token could be used in such a way. He had initially thought that Infinitus Token was merely a record of Infinitus Celestial Sect’s legacy.

Mr. Chance found here

quite likely, seeing that this place was originally an immortal sect. It would make perfect sense for this place

never seen one in my


Observing all of that, Selma

that by sacrificing everything, she could kill Jared,

beaten him down ruthlessly, yet a celestial weapon showed up at the last second to

It’s not fair!” Selma

Selma charged toward Jared as though she had gone

no longer possessed Ultimate Realm strength. In fact, her cultivation

her blood essence and aura were completely

all Selma could do was instinctively launch an attack on Jared. Jared couldn’t help but shake his head as he watched Selma coming toward

bother?” Once he finished speaking, he brandished the Infinitus Token


Selma was instantly sent flying, as if she were a

down in front of Leighton

had already returned to her

Hastily, Leighton bent down, offering

was naked, giving Leighton

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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