Chapter 3867 Life Charm

Upon hearing Leighton’s words, everyone fell into silence.

They had all witnessed Jared’s strength just moments ago. Even if they joined forces, they were likely no match for him.

Sure, Demon Seal Alliance’s hundred-year offering was great, but what good would it do if one wasn’t alive to enjoy it?

A moment later, Holden spoke up. “There’s no need for you to sow discord here. We all owe our lives to Mr. Chance. If it wasn’t for him, we might have all perished in that beast outbreak. Your hopes of turning us against Mr. Chance are nothing more than wishful thinking.”

“Exactly, we’re not fools. We wouldn’t lay a hand on our friend, Mr. Chance.”

“You lot from the Mueller family are barbaric. You all should have been dead long ago.”

“Do you really think you can fool us? Do you take us for idiots?”

were relentlessly criticizing Leighton, leaving him in an

with no one to lend a hand, there was

you have any other tricks up your sleeve to preserve your life?” Jared stared coldly at Leighton as he

face flushed and paled in turns, his eyes filled with utter

without me,” Selma’s soul

managed to restore her physical body,

inability to cultivate meant there was no more meaning in

don’t lose hope. I’ve brought Mr. Nolan’s life charm. Perhaps Mr. Nolan could save us.” Leighton pulled out

charm now would disturb his cultivation. Besides, we’re currently in the chaos dimension. Even with the life charm, he may

drive Mr. Nolan insane. Mr. Kieran

energy into the life charm.

emitted waves of smoke, and


was also filled with excitement as he

with anger, “Selma, what happened? How come you’re reduced to a mere soul remnant?

Jared. He not only destroyed Ms. Selma’s body, but he also

is dead?” An aura of terror suddenly erupted

illusion, the terrifying

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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