Chapter 3871 What Is The News

However, when Jared stepped out of the room, he discovered Bianca, Yuliya, and dozens of other disciples from Lunarius Palace standing in the square.

They might have found out that Jared was leaving and wanted to bid him farewell.

Gratitude was evident in the eyes of those disciples from Lunarius Palace.

It was especially present in Bianca and Yuliya as they had been with Jared every step of the way. They were well aware of what Jared had been through and what he had done.

It could be said that for the sake of Lunarius Palace and for them, Jared had weathered through countless hardships. He had even come perilously close to losing his life.

Tears welled up in the eyes of Bianca and the others. They so dearly wished for Jared not to leave.

However, they also knew that Jared didn’t belong to Lunarius Palace, and it was only a matter of time before he had to leave.

him, falling

the end result

and was bound to

silently made his way

Suddenly, Nieva called out

crowd, produce a token. She then approached Jared and

meticulously carved from an ice crystal. It was clear,

side at all times. No matter where you are, you can use this token to command any disciple of Lunarius Palace. Even though there are rules stating that the palace leader token cannot be given to a male cultivator, I’ve decided today to change the rules of Lunarius Palace for you. All I hope is that when you see this palace leader’s token, you’ll remember me.” Nieva gazed at Jared, her eyes brimming

everyone was utterly shocked. After all, having the

to male cultivators. However, the rules were surprisingly changed

wonder if Nieva had slept with Jared, based on what she said

Even if Nieva had spent the night with Jared, they would still offer their blessings. Everyone

be reasonable.

survived. There was a chance that Lunarius

the palace leader token, Jared gave Nieva a solemn nod. Then, he turned around

retreating figure, many disciples from Lunarius

tear streaking

was the first time she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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