Chapter 3872 Business Industry

“As for this…”

Alastair hesitated, then flashed Jared a small smile.

In an instant, Jared understood that he was after money.

He pulled out a purple spirit coin and tossed it to Alastair.

Upon receiving the coin, Alastair chuckled excitedly. “Aren’t you aware that this last journey to the polar region was fraught with danger? Many people didn’t make it back. Most of those from the outer circle of Lunarius Palace are dead. The male cultivators who went with them are dead as well. Most significantly, the eldest daughter of the Mueller family also met her end in the polar region.”

“So what?” Jared looked at Alastair.

back and watch the drama unfold! The. Mueller family will undoubtedly seek revenge. The head of the Mueller family should be emerging from seclusion in just a few days. When that time comes, a fierce battle is inevitable. I advise you to leave as soon as possible and distance yourself from Lunarius Palace. You’ve made enemies

know all this?” Jared asked

course. Otherwise, what do you think I

his words, Alastair turned and

Jared hesitated. If he were to leave and Nolan truly emerged from seclusion, directing the full might of his clan against Lunarius Palace, he believed Lunarius Palace would not be

from the journey to

if he stayed, given his current strength, he was nowhere near a match

deliberation, Jared decided it was best to first return to Blood Spirit Valley. There, he would hand over Demonia Stone to Whalreth and wait for him to

have any fear. He firmly believed that Whalreth would certainly come to

of disciples at Lunarius Palace was too few at the moment. They simply couldn’t

or Igor, they were all high- ranking Tribulator cultivators. They would be more than enough to deal with the

elder token, he was able to board the airship directly. Initially, there was no

“Mr. Chance…”

Dillon was

I didn’t expect to see you here!” Jared said with a slight smile upon noticing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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