Chapter 3881 Completely Annihilated

Another Demonic Cultivator abruptly slammed both hands onto the ground. Rapidly, chains of black mist launched toward the flame puppet, attempting to bind it. The goal was to restrain the puppet’s movements, thereby weakening its ability to act.

However, the moment the black mist chains touched the flame puppet, they were instantly incinerated by the intense heat, not even producing the slightest effect.

“D*mn! This underling is freaking impressive!” Jared watched the scene unfold before him, somewhat taken aback. Не himself hadn’t expected that the puppet would be so impressive.

“Who would have thought that Fire Spirit Lord’s demonic fire soul essence would be so powerful? With it, the power this puppet displays is truly immense.” Vermilion Demon Lord hadn’t anticipated that the puppet, powered by the demonic fire soul essence, would be so incredibly powerful.

Alphonse was completely baffled at this moment. He had never seen such an impressive puppet before.

these, typically powered solely by spiritual stones, relied merely on brute force attacks. The possibility of them possessing something as potent as demonic fire

that demonic fire was shifting. It wasn’t just

launched one punch at a time, combined with the intense heat it radiated,

exactly Jared had managed to acquire such a puppet, one that possessed demonic

flame puppet fearlessly continued its charge. It simply

a sledgehammer to the heart,

chaos, the flame puppet launched another punch. Its blazing fire, akin to a massive

Cultivator let out a terrified scream, attempting to evade, but the flames were relentless, mirroring his every

Demonic Cultivators remained on the battlefield. They stared blankly at one another,

at Alphonse. Seeing that he had no intention of intervening, nor did he signal for them to retreat, they found themselves with no other option but to fight with all they had. They decided to join forces, casting their most powerful forbidden technique, in a desperate attempt to annihilate

forming intricate seals. A

fire puppet had already rushed in front of them. It then launched its attack with a powerful punch, the flames surging toward the two

glow, were

impressive!” Jared leaped up in excitement, even more thrilled than if he had been the one to vanquish the five Demonic

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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