Chapter 3882 Utterly Arrogant

“Dealing with you, I wouldn’t even need to use my precious puppet. This is my underling we’re talking about. What if you hurt my underling?”

After Jared finished speaking, he surprisingly put away the puppet.

Alphonse was somewhat taken aback when he saw Jared actually put away his puppet. After all, Jared was merely a Fourth Level Tribulator. Without the help of his puppet, how could he possibly be a match for me?

Yet, Jared had indeed put away his puppet, ready to confront Alphonse.

“You’re far too arrogant, but I’ll make sure you taste the price of your arrogance!”

After Alphonse finished speaking, a black mist began to emanate from him. The mist was so dense that it was as if it could engulf the entire Soul Demon Sect, blocking out the sun and the sky.

A Ninth Level Tribulator was indeed extraordinary.

both Faiyar

a cold smile, seemingly unfazed in the face of

“Jared, you’ve got guts. For your bravery alone,

need. I don’t fancy knowing the names of the deceased. Besides, you’re about to die. Whether I

just had unparalleled arrogance and

eyes wide open in

all over. The aura emanating

keep showing off. Even with all your bravado, aren’t you

you. Within three moves, I’ll ensure you meet a tragic end!” Alphonse yelled

“Even if with three

then!” Alphonse scoffed, launching

them, isolating everything else. This was Jared’s way of ensuring that Faiyar and Serena wouldn’t be affected by any

made a move, and a dense black mist

profound darkness. It was so dense that

beasts, ceaselessly roaring. The roars echoed intermittently, akin to the howls of evil

of countless demon beasts, Jared seemed to be in a world of his own, showing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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