Chapter 3916 The Betrayal

As Jared was engaged in conversation with Catina, a figure suddenly darted past outside Catina’s room.

“There’s someone outside!”

In an instant, Jared rose to his feet and pursued the figure.

Catina was right on his heels. She was astonished to find that someone had the audacity to spy on her from outside her room, right here in her palace. It was as if they had a death wish!

The moment Jared and Catina started running in pursuit, the shadowy figure unexpectedly collapsed.

When Jared and Catina caught up, they were surprised to discover that it was actually a woman!

The woman was covered in wounds, clearly indicating she had suffered severe injuries.

Upon seeing the woman, Catina instantly gasped in surprise. “Zuri?”

know her?” Jared

slightly furrowed her brows, saying, “She’s

picked up Zuri and returned

injuries are too severe, and her divine soul is

happen? Who would dare to harm my personal attendant?” Fury was etched deeply on Catina’s

a surge of spiritual energy into Zuri’s

pill from his storage ring, gently placing it into

Zuri slowly opened her

hastily voiced her question,

to run. He has teamed up with the Foster family… and was just waiting for you to return so he could make his move against you. I risked my life to tell you this. You need… to leave quickly! Winona didn’t go to gather herbs;

to the side as she drew her

words, her entire being filled with shock

couldn’t believe it – Knox had actually betrayed

stared at Catina, at a loss for


where power was revered, and there were

position of mayor and manage an entire

skilled, it was useless. No

the mundane world had its set of well-established rules, and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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