Chapter 3917 Nothing But A Brute

At that moment, Cloud and Feenix rushed over from next door, but Knox was not afraid.

After all, none of these individuals had a higher cultivation level than him.

After hearing Knox’s words, Jared laughed and turned to Catina, saying, “And you said you were amazing? Relying solely on your looks to charm men may work for a while, but over time, they’ll see through it. If you really want to have influence over someone, you need to show your strength.”

Catina shot Jared a glare, then huffed out in annoyance, “You’re still making fun of me? Someone is going to take advantage of your woman. Aren’t you angry?”

“What’s there to be upset about? This just shows that my woman is attractive. Many have coveted the women by my side; it’s just a pity that they’re all dead now!”

After Jared finished speaking, he turned his gaze to Knox and said, “You’re but a mere Ninth Level Tribulator, yet you dare to lay a hand on my woman?”

Knox’s brows furrowed, his gaze fixated on Jared as he repeated, “Your woman?”

“Yep. Your queen is now my woman. Technically speaking, I should be considered the royal consort. Aren’t you going to kneel in my presence?” Jared said with a playful expression on his face.

“Pah, you’re nothing more than a Fourth Level Tribulator. How could Fox Queen possibly be interested in you? If you dare to spout nonsense again, I’ll skin you alive!”

simply didn’t believe what Jared had

Knox’s disbelief, Jared directly embraced Catina and kissed

resist or avoid him

an instant, Knox was

alive? Do you

figure vanished in

Knox could even react, he was struck squarely in the face, sending him

and the others also

fathom how a mere Fourth

guards surrounding them were also taken

roared in anger, and behind him,

maw and bared teeth, exuded the

a cold snort. “You’re nothing but a brute, yet you think you can lay a hand

Jared finished speaking, the draconic essence on his chest

a Golden Dragon materialized behind

its presence majestic and domineering, causing the surrounding guards to fall to their knees in

furrowed tightly, a clear glint of

expected that Jared was actually a

doesn’t change the fact that you’re just a Fourth Level Tribulator. There’s no way you can kill me!” Knox roared in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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