Chapter 3918 I Had Already Decided

Knox had died, and the remaining guards were pleading for mercy from Catina. Catina did not punish the guards. Instead, she went straight to the water prison and rescued Winona.

The crisis in Imperial Fox City was resolved just like that, simply and easily. Knox’s long- planned rebellion was also instantly thwarted.

This was a demonstration of true strength.

The very next morning, Catina had sent someone to the Violet Flame Sect, inviting Dario from the Violet Flame Sect to come over.

After all, no one knew whether the Violet Flame Sect truly possessed the technique to merge demonic fires.

If there was nothing at Violet Flame Sect, then there was no need for Jared to make another trip to Violet Flame Sect. Given Jared’s current status, it wasn’t appropriate for him to be running around everywhere.

“Fox Queen, why did you send someone to invite Mr. Barclay from the Violet Flame Sect? Apparently, there’s been a recent regime change at the Violet Flame Sect. Rumor has it that Mr. Ortiz was forced to step down, and a new leader has taken control. During that period, the internal strife within the Violet Flame Sect was at its peak. It would be best for us in Imperial Fox City not to get involved in the affairs of the Violet Flame Sect,” he advised.

had assumed that Catina’s invitation to Dario was to discuss the internal strife within the

Flame Sect has undergone a change in leadership. It’s truly unbelievable. But don’t worry, Winona. I’m not intending to interfere with the affairs of the Violet Flame Sect. It’s just that my friend here is interested in mastering the demonic fire. So, we’re inquiring if there’s any technique within the Violet Flame

Sect should have such techniques. After all, they are known as the most powerful sect in Ethereal Realm for mastering fire-related practices.” Catina didn’t involve herself in the internal disputes of the

She then turned to Jared and asked, “What if this Violet Flame Sect has a

Flame Sect and become one of

that Jared had his strategies planned out well in advance. He was aware that the techniques of various sects were typically not

Violet Flame Sect was going to be

pass an inner court disciple assessment?”

strength was such that even those at the Ninth Level Tribulator were no match for him.

Flame Sect, you must change your appearance and even your name. We wouldn’t want the members

people knew by now that the Demon Seal Alliance had spent a

true identity, Jared would likely become a prisoner before he even

to Demon

“That’s easy to resolve…”

he spun around twice,

After all, no one

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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