Chapter 3919 Assess Your Own Abilities

“Fox Queen, why did you send for me? If it wasn’t for our deep-rooted friendship, I wouldn’t have come. Recently, our Violet Flame Sect has been in a state of chaos, with many matters needing attention!” Dario spoke to Catina.

“Mr. Barclay, my recent journey to Demonia Mountain proved to be quite fruitful. You were the first one I thought of upon my return.”

Catina spoke up, presenting some resources she had obtained from Demonia Mountain.

Upon seeing this, Dario wore a smile on his face. Without any hesitation, he accepted all the resources presented to him. Afterward, he said, “You’re too polite. Feel free to speak your mind. I know you didn’t seek me out just to give me these resources.”

“Mr. Barclay, you are truly wise. I have a friend who practices fire-based techniques, and has even mastered a few demonic fires. Therefore, I wanted to ask, does your Violet Flame Sect’s technique include a method to integrate these demonic fires?” Catina asked.

“Cultivation technique to merge demonic fires?” Dario’s brow furrowed slightly before he shook his head. “It seems like we don’t have such techniques in our Violet Flame Sect yet.”

so much, and for what? It was all in vain. The Violet Flame Sect simply didn’t possess such a

Violet Flame Sect, renowned for practicing the most powerful fire techniques in both the mortal and Ethereal

it would take him quite a while before

month later, he was scheduled to duel with Aiden. If Jared’s power didn’t increase, he likely wouldn’t stand a chance

as Catina was disheartened and Jared was left speechless, Dario shifted the conversation, saying, “Although our Violet Flame Sect doesn’t possess a method to merge the

“Demonic fire tribulation?”

Catina exclaimed in unison, their

were oblivious to what

fire tribulation involved using the thunderbolt to strike the demonic fires within one’s body. Regardless of the amount of demonic fires, once it had undergone demonic fire tribulation, it would merge together, no longer causing any

only something I’ve heard of, never seen myself. Mr.

undoubtedly boosted

tribulation meant, he nevertheless had

Barclay, I wonder if it would be possible for my

sorry, but Mr. Ortiz is in seclusion and can’t meet with people casually. Besides, your friend isn’t even a disciple from our sect. Even if he did meet Mr. Ortiz, it’s unlikely he would teach him

like to join your Violet Flame Sect,” Jared

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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