Chapter 32

After they left, the guests around started gossiping about Eleanor, wondering how she had something to do with people like that.

Eleanor didn’t mind, but instead turned to Hailey and Austin, who were walking towards her.

“Eleanor, who are those people?”

Hailey looked at Eleanor with concern, her intuition told her that those people were bad news.

Eleanor patted her hand with a smile, “That’s the president of the Caporal Group, he came looking for me to get an important contract document.”

She said this deliberately louder.

Hailey had a small microphone on her wedding dress, and since she was standing close by, the sound naturally carried through the microphone.

When the guests heard her explanation, they started gossiping again, saying Hailey’s friend was amazing to even know the president of the Caporal Group.

Austin was from the suburbs of A City, so people didn’t know celebrities very well, but they did know the name of A City’s richest man.

Eleanor made this explanation to dispel people’s misunderstandings.

Otherwise, Austin’s relatives would definitely think that Hailey’s friends were not very decent people.

of a feather flock together” and that

to explain clearly, so Hailey

Hailey was still uneasy, feeling

said, why would the president of the Caporal Group bring so many

they were here for a

not like pursuing Eleanor, but more like forcing and threatening her.

worried she became, taking off the microphone from her wedding dress and

tell me. I’ll fight for

due to her beauty since she

her, and no

Garett was gone, and she had to take on the responsibility

this, Eleanor felt deeply touched, tears

more concerned when she saw her tears, so she quickly agreed, pushing her to continue with

and having champagne, the wedding was nearing its end.

from table to table, happily toasting, Eleanor finally felt at ease.

a great success. Now, all she had to do was deal with Josef.

Austin to their

of her bridesmaid dress, and a bank card fell out from the

was her gift for Hailey, and Hailey had secretly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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