Chapter 1460

Bernard had sought out the top obstetricians in the city to reassess Eleanor’s condition, looking into whether it was possible to save both her and the baby. The verdict they delivered was no different from what Dr. Amelia had already told them.

Determined to leave no stone unturned, Bernard sent the medical reports to George and to the Dean of W City Hospital. Both agreed that performing a caesarean section on a patient with preeclampsia was highly risky; it could lead to severe hemorrhaging, heart failure, or even a stroke. Complicating matters further was Eleanor’s history of heart surgery. Her chances of survival were distressingly uncertain.

Neither the hospital dean nor George were specialists in obstetrics, so they collaborated to find a leading expert in the field and recommended him to Bernard. The expert, upon meeting Bernard, pledged to work alongside Dr. Amelia and do everything within his power to improve Eleanor’s odds from 30% to 40%.

The reluctance of such a renowned expert to guarantee a positive outcome spoke volumes about the risks involved. But the baby was on the way, and the only options were to cling to that 30% or 40% chance or face certain death.

Bernard wasn’t ready to accept fate just yet. He demanded that the doctors ensure a flawless surgery, threatening that any failure would have them joining Eleanor in the grave. His words were heavy with a chilling resolve, and they weighed heavily on the doctors, who convened yet another emergency meeting before the operation.

“Dr. Marcus, as the lead surgeon, I want you to do everything in your power to save the baby while you operate,” Bernard insisted. “We’ll have a team on standby, ready to intervene at a moment’s notice.”

first incision,” Dr. Marcus replied with a grimace. “I can move quickly to control the bleeding, but I can’t promise the baby


me. Right now, forget about the baby’s chances. We need to focus on saving the

she listened. Her seven-month-old unborn child was still active in her womb, yet because of her condition, they were discussing its life as if it was

her gaze falling on the other expecting mothers caressing their bellies with joyous smiles. She had once thought that after all her struggles to conceive, she would be like



Chapter 1460

his arm around her waist, “Eleanor, even without this child, we have Nina. We can treat her as our own daughter. She’ll

their own, then perhaps that was

her voice a mix

“In a week.”

go home

the unborn child feel the love and warmth she’d poured into it. That way, even if the baby never got the chance to see it, the regret wouldn’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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