Chapter 1465

Bernard leaned heavily against his knees, his upper body hunched forward as he awaited news from the operating room. The sterile white walls of the hospital corridor seemed to close in on him when the doctor’s voice, laced with urgency and regret, broke the heavy silence.

“There were complications… The mother suffered severe hemorrhaging as soon as the surgery began. We fought to save her, which meant the baby was deprived of oxygen for too long. When we finally managed to deliver, there was… there was no breath.”

The words hit Bernard like a freight train, igniting a dangerous glint in his eyes that could only be described as murderous intent. In a flash, he was on his feet, his rage manifesting in a physical force that lifted the doctor by the throat and slammed him against the OR’s double doors.

“What did you say?!” Bernard bellowed, his grip tightening.

The doctor dangled helplessly, his legs kicking at the air as he struggled under Bernard ‘s iron grasp. Despite his fear, he forced himself to speak again.

“The mother is bleeding out… we can’t stop it… The baby’s heartbeat is faint, no respiration, it’s… it’s dying…”

Bernard’s heart plunged into an abyss of despair, the world around him falling deathly silent except for the ringing in his ears-a harbinger of death.

He felt the room spin, his vision blurring into darkness as if he were falling off a cliff, only to be yanked back at the last moment by an unseen hand.

like a lion in fury, released The doctor with a shove and stormed into

the floor in a gruesome testament to the struggle

gaze was drawn to the blood, his deep eyes constricting with each drop that fell.

had never seen so much blood before, never realized a person could bleed

the threshold, his imposing frame reduced to a picture of solitary dread. In that moment, he felt forsaken by the world,

to resuscitate the breathless child while Dr. Marcus battled to save the mother. Blood flowed without restraint, from her womb, from her very being, and no



Chapter 1465

stem its tide.

the monitor, however, signaled a grim reality. With a heavy heart, he ordered the team to attempt CPR, even

flow, Dr. Marcus knew the battle was lost. After a solemn pause, he ceased his efforts.

-once sturdy and unyielding-now shaking uncontrollably and sliding to


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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