After Dirvorce I become a SheEO Chapter 12

After Dirvorce I become a SheEO Chapter 12

Chapter 12 The Conceited Mr. Russo

“Zayla, you go against me just to attract my attention.”

Zayla found it ridiculous. “Mr. Russo, it’s good to have confidence, but blind confidence is not necessary.”

She had to admit that Simon was qualified to be arrogant, but she wouldn’t buy it!

“Zayla, I’m giving you a chance to turn back!” He always felt that she seemed to be getting further away from him Chance?

“Simon, you should give up on this idea!”

Her cold words made him lose his breath for a moment.

Zayla furrowed her delicate brows and tried her best to break free from Simon’s hand, but because she used too much strength, she slapped him in the lower jaw.

The sound was enough to attract the attention of the crowd around them.

Taking this chance, Zayla pushed Simon away and took a few steps back, keeping a distance from him!

Simon frowned and looked at her coldly, the tip of his tongue touching his cheeks. “Zayla, you are the first one who dares to attack me.”

“Mr. Russo, you flatter me. I am just paying it back.” The bruises on the back of Zayla’s hand had not completely dissipated.

low voice came from not far away…

forget the Conference on the Construction of Sea Museum at 4 p.m.” Conference on the Construction of Sea Museum? The

head and looked at the place where the voice came froin,

words he was about

back and her gaze fell on the bracelet on his wrist.

ran quickly in the direction of the parking lot…

him. It was a feeling he had never experienced before. He frowned and stared

can’t get if I want it.”

understanding of Zayla, he firmly believed that she was just being affected by

and beg him. This was just

I’ll wait for you.”

the parking lot, looking for that man.

about the man’s back and his bracelet. He was the man who saved her that day!

parking lot and saw him open the car door,

heels and hurriedly ran up, but she accidentally sprained her


she fell

slender waist! “I heard you tell me to wait, so you don’t have

eyes and saw a handsome face. His fragrance was pleasant.

was like surging waves, then the man in front of her was like a boundless ocean. But he was also extremely terrifying. He would never be ignored in the crowd.

stood firm and took two steps

to get in the car, and I was worried that I would not be able to catch up if you left. After all, the car is much

“You are a grateful person, but I didn’t mean

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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