Chapter 335 Godfather Is Finally Awake

“Thank you for showing off your romantic relationship, Chairman. I am so weirded out right now.”

“Hey, Fleur, your boyfriend has amazing charisma.”

“Maddie, you don’t love me anymore, do you? Why are you sending me photos of another man?’

“Maddie, I will make sure that you know Noah’s true colors.”

Madeline scrolled through the messages to see who had sent her the first message in this series of bombardments. Her finger suddenly stopped, and she felt that something was stinging her eyes.

“Madeline, are you doing well?”

Madeline covered her mouth, and she could not stop her tears from falling on the back of her hand.

Thomas was utterly shocked by this sight. Ever since he was born, his mommy would never cry in front of him no matter what kind of hardship they were going through.

Madeline had told him that it was cowardly to resort to crying in the face of a problem. She was a warrior who could vanquish any kind of enemy with her courage and perseverance.

“Mommy, what’s wrong?” Thomas asked carefully.

Madeline met her eyes and she quickly wiped off her tears. She showed Thomas her phone and said, “Look who is sending this message?”

Thomas saw that Madeline had tapped into that person’s profile, and it was a picture of a couple standing in the evening sunlight. One of them was carrying a baby. Thomas shot up from the floor and jumped around happily, “It’s godfather! It’s godfather! Mommy, my godfather is alive now! This is so good!”

“Yeah, this is really great news.” Madeline had forgotten all about Thomas’ mischief in sending Noah’s photos. While she was really ecstatic, she wanted to call Xander at once.

Thomas huddled over excitedly as well. He pressed his face onto Madeline’s ears.

However, the phone was only connected after a long time. A woman from Uranica picked up the call. She told Madeline that the patient was still in a coma, and was being treated in the emergency unit.

“Mommy, let’s go visit godfather, shall we?” Thomas used to live in Uranica for five years, so he was very fluent in their language. He understood everything that the woman had said on the phone.

to Uranica as soon

long time, and indeed, during the one year she took care of him, there

Colton who was standing at the door to the bedroom for some time

someone who could not keep any secret, and sure enough, the first thing he thought of was to share this exciting news with Colton. However, he was stopped by Madeline. Madeline shook her

her archnemesis too. The journey would be laced with danger, therefore she did not want to bring

memories with Xander. It

a toddler. Thomas knew how to protect himself to some degree, but Madeline

had taken this the wrong way. His face darkened

he was

you’ve heard just now?” Thomas had a feeling that Colton was already at the door for some time,

for sure would stop them from going

about?” Colton refuted with

didn’t hear us?

go to sleep now. Remember to wake up early

knew what Madeline meant with that wink. He took Colton’s hand and the two of them began to leave. At the door, Colton grabbed the hinges and

had hit her soft spot. Immediately, she was consumed

to miss you being by my side again, mommy. Can you promise not

could not bear to see Colt being so sad like that. Thomas always viewed Colton as

where he used to live. He wanted to show off his high-tech room to

Thomas shot a pitiful gaze at Madeline, and

leaving to deal with some matters, we will definitely return soon!” Thomas tried

simply stared at Thomas with unwillingness in

again even knowing that they were going to

take it anymore as Colton continued to stare at him resentfully, “You must have

nodded, “I only heard the part that

let out a sigh of relief, “We’re only visiting for a while.

why aren’t you bringing me along?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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