Chapter 336 Taking Mackenzie Away

Mackenzie’s heart was pounding in her chest. She did not know why she was trying to hide from Noah, but her body reacted that way without realizing it.

Her instinct told her that she could not tell Noah about their upcoming trip to Uranica with the purpose of visiting their godfather.

When Noah switched on the table lamp, he saw Mackenzie’s eyelashes flutter ever so slightly. He immediately knew that she was just pretending to be asleep.

From her sleeping posture, he deduced that she must be hiding her phone while in bed.

She must have talked to someone on the phone, and some shocking news was what caused her to shoot up from the bed. It was why she was sitting up on the bed when he first checked on her.

“Zeke, are you having nightmares now? Do you want to tell me about it?” Noah asked in a gentle voice.

Mackenzie felt her body getting stiffer as she was slowly gripped by fear. Sweat started to form on her forehead.

Noah did not have the heart to scare his precious daughter, therefore he decided to leave the room without doing anything.

However, he immediately called Wayne the moment he was out of the room, “Go look into the people Mrs. Quincy has met today.”

Very soon, Wayne replied, “Mrs. Quincy has visited Oscar at the hospital, and then she talked to Ms. Lambert for a while.”

Noah scrolled through his phone contact and sent a message to Colton.

“How is mommy doing today?”

Colton was about to sleep when he suddenly received Noah’s message. He secretly checked on Thomas and when he saw that Thomas was soundly asleep, he replied to Noah.

“Mommy is doing fine.”

“Did Thomas call Zeke just now?”

“Yeah, Thomas told her that he has wrecked her favorite toy. Zeke must be so angry now.”

This was the first time Colton had lied to Noah. He felt grateful that Noah only decided to text him instead of talking to him on the phone. Otherwise, he was sure that Noah would catch him lying.

Okay, go to sleep

believed in Colton, but something was bothering him, making him

her into a

down next to her, he was tucking her in when he realized that the bed did not have the usual warmth that indicated someone sleeping on it for some time. His heart sank as he realized that Zeke must be hiding something

know that. You will always

Noah deliberately asked her.

If she was really gone, daddy would be left all alone. What if he did not take

was hurt because he risked his life to save mommy.

that, she needed to

could do was to make it up for

that she was finally asleep, he got up and circled around the room.

and checked the contents, and saw that it contained Mackenzie’s favorite invisibility cloak and honey

he could not

sofa, not able to

suit sneaked into the Quincy residence. Although Thomas had disabled the alarm and surveillance system here, she felt that everything

would not face any danger here anyway. She

moment she sneaked in through the window, she immediately fell into a warm

the person who was embracing her was wearing a gas mask, she felt her heart jumping into her throat. Her hand lashed

other for days. It seems that you’re missing me badly,

late as she had lashed out with too much force. The attack

don’t you dodge

cowering as he clutched his shoulders, but his voice indicated that he was happy to see her, “I was afraid that if I dodge you, you

there was a pool of blood next

and although he was wearing gloves, he felt unwilling

strange captivation in her heart as she locked

some disease? Why are

conversation, but Noah

really contract some

was lying in bed without any protective gear now, so based on how Noah doted on her,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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