Chapter 826 Terrible Dream

The sickening smell of blood was everywhere in the dim and humid environment.

The flat floor was sticky with liquid, but the liquid wasn’t water. It was fresh blood. The floor was always wet as the blood would be covered with new blood before it dried and solidified.

“Kill him and victory is yours!” A group of children heard a cold voice, which was like a devil’s call.

Hearing the order, the group of children immediately swarmed. They were all little children, but there were no innocent looks on their faces that children of the same age should have.

Their eyes were like those of a bloodthirsty wolf. They looked like they were ready to annihilate the enemy at any time.

“Kill as soon as possible. If you want to survive, kill the others. If you want to be free, hold on until the end.” The devil’s voice sounded again, forcing those children to kill each other.

The only way for this group of kids to survive was to kill the others and hold on until the end. Only the one who won in the end would have freedom as a reward.

They killed each other. Blood covered their faces, but they didn’t have any fear.

Because they only had one belief in their hearts, that was to win!

Looking at the children killing each other, the man standing at the top had a pleased smile on his face.

He liked this bloody scene. What he wanted was this bloody scene.

The killing gradually came to an end, and the physically exhausted children fell down one by one.

Out of all those kids, only three ended up standing there, two boys and one girl.

no one dared to underestimate

their eyes instantly became firm. They had already reached an agreement to join forces and defeat the girl together before putting up a

intentions. She was not afraid, and her murderous gaze carried a

strong and even if those two

to kill the girl. But they still underestimated the girl. A kick from the girl sent both of them to the floor and they

enough strength. As long as she exerted force, that boy

at the girl with tears streaming down his face and cried out, “Please, I admit defeat. Please let me

in the girl’s eyes to gradually fade away. She slowly let go of the boy and stood

back, the boy on the floor stopped pleading and a sinister smile emerged on

the dagger hidden inside his short boots quickly

out!” The skinny figure that had originally fallen to the floor suddenly pounced up quickly, pushing the girl away

covered in blood,

showed no more mercy. She went straight to kill the boy who wanted to

up the skinny figure that fell on the floor. As she watched the continuous gushing of blood,

she had the feeling of fear. She could only tremble and shout, “No.

her face full of tense

It was a dream!

nightmare had tormented her for

again about all the painful memories she once

poured herself a glass of cold water to

having these dreams more and more often lately. She could not even take a nap now without dreaming of

water, Catherine’s mood gradually returned to

of the

connect button and put

at the usual place!” Zobber’s low voice came from the

Catherine answered simply

covered her body made

a loose outfit she didn’t usually wear. Then

the surveillance skillfully and arrived at an abandoned teaching building

commission for several years. Aside from a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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