Chapter 827 He Only Wants Money

Catherine’s mind was now full of the information she had just checked. She knew Branden was hiding some forces, but she had never arranged for anyone to check it out.

When she once hid her multiple identities from Branden, Branden hadn’t arranged for anyone to check it out either.

But she didn’t realize Branden actually had so many forces. It turned out she and Branden had even stood opposite before.

Zobber found out another important piece of information. Just as she was struggling with whether or not to report it to Catherine, Catherine had taken the initiative to ask, “What else did you find out?”

Catherine’s expression made Zobber speak cautiously. “Catherine, I suspect that Mr. Duncan has reconciled with the Breens and that they have a new collaboration.”

Some time ago, the Breens went crazy against the Duncan Corporation.

The two consortiums had fought several times in Casier and Loxton, and the entire business world knew that the two consortiums had fallen out.

The foreign powerful consortium competed against the local consortium, and no one gained an advantage.

The fact that the consortiums, which were originally going to fight fiercely, were now working together sounded very puzzling. But nothing was impossible in the business world.

In a world that only cared about profits, any enemy could become the next object of cooperation. Zobber handed Catherine the evidence she had found out.

If it weren’t for these pieces of evidence in front of Zobber, which showed that many subsidiaries of the Duncan Corporation had already reached cooperation agreements with the Breens’ branch in Eskana, Zobber wouldn’t have believed this to be true.

After all, she couldn’t believe that Branden didn’t know how bad Catherine’s relationship with the Breens was.

some kind of misunderstanding here. Why don’t you arrange for Wantel to check it out again?” Zobber said with

to affect Catherine’s feelings toward

this world could match the excellent Catherine, a woman who was like a perfect

hope. He and Catherine were equal in strength. They were simply

devoted to her even if he was in such

it!” Catherine’s cold words

not in a position to intervene more. She just assured Catherine. “Don’t

turned off her computer and stood up to leave. “Take care of yourself, and contact me at any time if you’re

internet cafe, Catherine went straight back to the lab

office, Marshall looked at her with a smile on his face. “You’ve had a long enough lunch break today, but why do you look more tired

the lab and refusing to leave, and Marshall was worried that this was not

her head relaxed. “I had a terrible dream during my nap. It makes me a little tired, so I

for her. “You must have been overtired. People only dream

dreams if I relax? “Catherine frowned and looked at Marshall with a serious

this, Marshall guessed that she was really disturbed by

geniuses should

under a lot of pressure lately and your nerves are too tense. Let me teach you a relaxation exercise now. It’s very simple. You practice with me for ten minutes or

Catherine to learn the relaxation exercise from him

relaxation exercise in the open space inside the lab building. Catherine had done similar

did it in a very standard way. He did it

on the other hand, was full of killing intentions in every

do it softly. I’m making you relax, not making you use so much strength. Are you

twenty minutes to do

drenched in sweat while Catherine

tired from practicing the relaxation exercises, you will

Professor Hartley!”

the shoulder and signaled her to go rest. “Alright, go take a break and then get on the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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