Chapter 828 A More Powerful Hacker

Ronin’s question made Flash not know how to answer him. Flash once promised Ronin that as long as he could cooperate with them to steal useful information from Catherine, they would give him a large sum of money to let him go, but those were all lies.

After spending some time with Ronin, Flash felt a bit sympathetic toward him.

His growth experience was actually similar to Ronin’s, but he was not as lucky as Ronin to meet Catherine.

Looking at Ronin’s eyes, Flash couldn’t tell a lie no matter what.

“Hahaha…” Ronin laughed out loud. He pointed at Flash and lay down to the side. “Flash, you’re done. You’re actually starting to sympathize with me and can’t bear to lie to me.”

Having been seen through by Ronin, Flash’s guilt was hard to hide.

He tried desperately to hide his guilt, but he looked more and more comical. ” Ronin, don’t play tricks. Behave yourself. It’s not your turn to talk here.”

Facing the threat of Flash, Ronin was not afraid at all. He got up and slowly lowered his head toward Flash.

He stared at Flash directly as if his beautiful big eyes seemed to be able to discern the secrets in his heart.

Flash tried to avoid his eyes. But in the next second, he heard Ronin scoff in a tone full of sarcasm, “Flash, have you ever thought that if you dare not lie to me now, your superior will kill you the next second?”

“What superior? What are you babbling about?” Flash had never mentioned his superior to Ronin. He didn’t know how Ronin knew that, but he already had a feeling that things were not going well.

remember, you want the information, and I want the money. As for how I’ll spend the money and whether I have the chance to spend it, it’s all my business. I know you can’t make the decision. Go ask your superior to give

conceal that he had a superior from him anymore. Ronin’s attitude made him

later, Flash came

account number, he emphasized, “Transfer the money with peace

a moment and turned his head to look at

move on and hurry up. Do you want the information or not? Don’t waste my

understand what Ronin was

prisoner, but he doesn’t act like a prisoner at all. Instead, he is ordering me as

dissatisfied in his heart, he still quickly operated the computer.

Flash glared at

Seeing the numbers on

are you doing?” Flash snarled and tried to push

the screen. “I’m just checking the balance inside my account. I want to see if

said, Ronin returned control of the computer

computer, Flash checked the screen of the

checked his bank account and did

the computer back into Ronin’s hands. “Get started and mark

play tricks or cause trouble. Aren’t you

said that, Ronin ignored him and was fully focused

this time. He

exit, Flash got anxious. ” What are you doing? Isn’t this

we could get!” Ronin then gave him an explanation. “Catherine encrypted it. There’s not only a firewall she set up, there’s a firewall set up by someone else. It’s double-encrypted. If

look and serious tone compelled Flash to believe

“Who is it? Could there be a

really good in the realm of computers, but she’s good at attacking, the realm of hacking. She’s also good at building firewalls, but she’s not the best at it. This person is no less capable than Catherine

went on to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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