Alpha Asher novel By Jane Doe chapter 14
The moment I picked the crisp index card up from my bed, I knew I wouldn’t get a full night sleep.

Tyler had specifically said his friend was leaving the notes. The only friend I could think of was one of the other Alpha’s, and all were too afraid of Alpha Asher to dare cross onto his territory.

Somehow, someone was getting onto Alpha Asher’s territory and leaving these notes. The fact that they could cloak their scent meant they weren’t someone to be messing with.

As I thought, sleep refused to end my misery for half the night. I settled for locking my windows tight and drawing the curtains. The slightest crack in the curtains began to creep me out, so I tied them shut tightly.

I must’ve managed to sleep a whopping four hours last night, as my head was pounding and foggy when I woke that morning. My alarm got me up an hour before training began, and I used the time wisely.

I ran to the bathroom and washed the sleep from my face, feeling refreshed as the cool water splashed against my skin. I kept it simple, throwing on a tank top and workout shorts.

I walked downstairs just in time to interrupt what seemed like an interesting conversation between Dad and Grandma. Once again they looked like two kids who didn’t want to be caught. That only peaked my curiosity.

“Don’t let me interrupt, continue your conversation.” I raised my eyebrow at the two of them, taking a deep gulp of coffee.

“Nonsense, it wasn’t important to begin with.” Grandma chided me, setting a plate of eggs and sausage down on the table.

Grandma was skilled at many things, lying was one of those many things. Living with her for a year however, gave me too much time to analyze Grandma.

When Grandma lied, she often tried to change the subject with food or sweets. And if that didn’t work, she’d bring up some other random topic.

“Important enough for you both to go quiet when I came down.” I raised my eyebrow and looked at the two of them.

Dad was a horrible liar, one thing he didn’t get from Grandma. Dad sat across the table uncomfortably, nursing his coffee as though it demanded all attention.

“It was nothing important, Lola.” Grandma pursed her lips, “How’s training going with Alpha Asher?”

Knowledge flashed in her green eyes and I ground my teeth together.

“Did Grandma really just insinuate what I thought she did?” Maya gaped, looking at the old woman in equal wonder and horror.

I nodded, “She sure did. Thus proving, they don’t want me to know what they were talking about.”

“Smooth, Lola.” Maya nodded.

“Training’s going great.” I nodded, stuffing some food in my mouth.

“Really?” Grandma’s lips twitched in a little smirk, her eyes shimmering. “Why’d you go to the pack house yesterday afternoon?”

Some of my eggs caught in my throat and I covered a cough with a healthy gulp of coffee. Grandma’s question got the attention of Dad, who sat his coffee down with a questioning look my way.

Grandma was smart, much too smart. She successfully redirected the entire conversation over to me, and now I needed to cover my own ass.

“Did the Alpha need help with something?” Grandma hid her smirk behind a cup of coffee, but I could see her eyes shimmering with amusement.

Dad grunted, “You didn’t piss off the Alpha

I forced my voice to remain calm, not at all defensive.

over Alpha Asher’s lap came to mind, my bare bottom raised in the air as his hand

head before the rosy blush could creep up

Dad frowned, “We had quite a bit of those

shrugged, happy for the subject change, “I just had

Breyona met me at the front door and

from yesterday?” Breyona chuckled, referring to when I trained with

even thought about the rest of the soreness on my body. The only soreness at the front of my mind, was my

upper hand against him. Especially if I’m gonna be stuck

it out for you.”

shot her a look. “Lola doesn’t like obeying, and that pisses

a moment, “And he hasn’t killed you

numbers.” I shrugged,

bad memory crossed his mind. “I was sore for days after we trained

can’t help it.” I smirked at Mason, “You’re just too

once training is done I’ll be the first one to kick that little ass.” Mason raised his eyebrow at me, his


though.” Mason shook his head, something troubling lingered behind

walking into the pack house

remembered what i told Alpha Asher last night and nearly sighed. I promised to be good for a change. Well.. I promised to

good girls

played through my mind on a constant loop. Fine, Alpha Asher. I would be a good

while Breyona

was already there and waiting. He definitely looked good. His tank top highlighted his biceps and muscular chest. Mason

warriors followed behind. I couldn’t still the swarm of butterflies that formed in my stomach, nor the prospect

sat messily on his head, while his black t-shirt rippled and dipped as it pressed

Alpha Asher’s voice was rough and commanding, “My men will be going around the room to help

pulled me from my explicit

sympathetic look, while Breyona smirked. I walked over to Alpha Asher, my

that must’ve been four sizes too small. Her brests were nearly popping

Asher nodded to a tall guy with skin the color of fresh espresso. Asher’s eyes were hard and met my own for only a fraction

my own, a cruel smirk forming on her face as she nodded over to Kanyon. I

wearing?” Maya fake gagged in my mind, “Might as well just wear a bra and

desperately trying to become Luna.”

on, had nothing to do with me trying to be Luna. If anything, dating Tyler taught me something important. Being Luna wasn’t for me. I didn’t want to be the

grinned, showing gleaming

a smile to my

remembered Kanyon from well over a year ago. We had never been friends, but we hadn’t been enemies either. Simply two people who had very different friend groups. Kanyon had completely changed over the years. Braces came off and

myself when my eyes flickered over to where Asher was standing. My blood turned hot in my veins, chafing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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