Read Alpha Asher [by Jane Doe] Chapter 17 – I headed out through one of the clubs side doors. These doors were closely monitored for anyone attempting to sneak into the club.

I leaned against the brick wall of the club, taking deep gulps of the crisp air. This particular side door was situated in the middle of an alley. A single bouncer leaned against the wall. From the smell of him, the bouncer was definitely a human.

“Feeling alright?” The gruff bouncer nodded my way, placing a cigarette between his parted lips.

I nodded, “Just needed from fresh air.”

The smell of cigarettes filled the air and I crinkled my nose. Enhanced senses were great until you smelled something nasty.

“Sorry.” The bouncer chuckled with a gruff laugh, tossing the cigarette to the ground. “Nasty habit.”

“Well hello there gorgeous.” A different male voice chimed in, and I watched unimpressed as two college-age guys sauntered down the alley.

It was clear from the smell and sight of them that they had already been drinking for quite some time. The two of them glided up to me, a grin on their faces as if they were Goddess’s gift to us women.

“What’s a pretty little thing doing out here?” The first one flashed me what he thought was a dazzling grin, “The party’s inside, sweetheart!”

“f**k off.” The bouncer snapped, leaning up from his spot against the wall.

“I can handle myself.” I flashed the bouncer a cocky grin, “Don’t worry.”

“As long as you don’t let them in, have at it.” The bouncer gave an indifferent shrug.

“See, she can handle herself.” The main guy flashed the bouncer a sneer and turned his attention back on me.

The two guys were clearly college age from the looks of it. One had short brown hair, slicked over the side of his head while the other had a short buzz cut.

“Why don’t you let us in darlin’ and we can party with you?” The one with the buzz cut grinned, “Better yet why don’t you come on over to our place.”


the snort that left my

the bouncer let out

help but laugh at the irony. Alpha Asher didn’t take no for

get?” The one with the slicked hair smirked, taking a step

not playing.” I shrugged, “But I’d keep my distance

the least frightnin’ thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on.” The one with the

gonna be fun.”

one with the buzz cut made the first mistake. With a deep smirk plastered on his face, he reached for my

of the guys were much taller than me, but the two of them had stepped far too close. I was easily in range to throw

the arm of the guy who reached for me and yanked him forward, c**king my fist back to land a solid blow

shrugged, flashing

em’ Lola!” Maya

brown hair paused for a minute, obviously contemplating if fighting a girl was worth it. I suppose


brought my arm forward and elbowed him in the back, sending him slamming against the brick wall. The guy with the buzz cut had regained

helped his

back to the door. “Hope you kick that bad habit.”

was much clearer after getting some fresh air. Maya was hyped up from scaring the

her eyes, “You didn’t

I chuckled, and laughed as Maya growled in

was in the club for a total of fifteen seconds before I slammed into a hard body. I staggered back, my heart fluttering in my chest as


Alpha Asher’s dark

focus on. I couldn’t tell which I liked more. Alpha Asher in workout clothes, or Alpha Asher dressed for business. He wore black slacks that hugged exactly where they needed to. A black button down shirt hugged his chiseled chest, and the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. My eyes flickered down at his muscular forearms, tracing the heavy veins

we?” I smirked, and I tried to keep the lingering jealousy at bay. If anything, the jealousy only

will undoubtedly find it.” Alpha Asher pursed his lips, his full eyebrow still

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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