Read Alpha Asher [by Jane Doe] Chapter 16 – Mason showed up at my house right on time. He looked cute in his light button down shirt and slacks. His sandy blonde hair was swooped to the side in his usual superman type hairstyle.

“Woah, you look great Lola!” Mason beamed at me, a light pink blush tinging his cheeks, “You too Breyona!”

We piled into Breyona’s car and took off for Haze. Haze was located just outside of the pack’s territory. An entire city was just out of bounds. While we weren’t forbidden from going into the city, we were expected to be on our best behavior. The city was filled with humans, none of which knew the existence of our kind.

Due to Haze’s close proximity with our pack, many Lycan’s frequented the club. The bar tender, bouncer and owner were all Lycan’s, allowing us to drink at almost any age. The whole 21 and up rule never quite applied for Lycan’s. It took far too much for us to feel the affects of alcohol, rendering the 21 and older rule useless.

Haze hadn’t changed in my time away. The bright cursive sign flashed with the beat of the thundering music. The ground outside practically vibrated from the bass inside.

I looked around thinking about the last time I had been here. It was Tyler’s eighteenth birthday, and my entire world had come crashing down in the span of an hour or so. This time would be different. There would be no Tyler, no hearts getting broken tonight.

While I was insanely physically attracted to Alpha Asher, I was thankful my heart wasn’t on the line. I couldn’t stand getting attached to yet another Alpha, just to learn I’m not their intended mate.

Breyona, Mason and I approached the front door of the club. It was located on a busy street and many people lined up for a chance to go inside.

“Alpha Asher sends his regards.” Breyona murmured to the bouncer.

The sentence was a code of sorts. It allowed the bouncer to know who to let in first, without revealing anything important.

“Straight on in, miss.” The muscular bouncer nodded, waving us ahead.

After a quick glowing stamp to the top of our hands, we were let into the club.

Every other month the inside of Haze changed. This time black satin c******s hung over the entrance, brushing softly against my skin as we pushed through them.

The inside of Haze was lit by dancing purple and green lights. It gave the club a badass kind of feel, the color reminding me of poison.

The purple and green lights flashed, highlighting the bodies swaying on the dance floor.

The air was thick with perfume, sweat and the general lu*t that comes with a few strong drinks.

“Wanna dance?” Breyona shouted over the music, her eyes flitting from person to person.

I shook my head, “I’m gonna get a drink first!” I yelled back.

Breyona nodded, “Good thinking!”

Her and Mason followed me over to the bar. The bar was a shiny obsidian material that ran the length of one of the walls. Countless bottles of alcohol were scattered towards the back. Three different people ran the bar, all flitting from person to person.

“What can I get for you ladies?” The tall bartender smirked at Breyona and I, purposefully ignoring Mason.

of muscle running down his

ice.” I called out over the music. Breyona shouted out some fruit drink and Mason got

strong, I see.” Breyona

not like I can

still gain something from the alcohol. Personally, alcohol made me feel warm

bartender asked, but locked eyes with the glowing stamp on our

face and Breyona

stamps let them know you’re over 21.” Breyona

set them

the dumps if their already

her trash.” Maya growled, itching for another go

twitched by Breyona and I, her dark haired servant trailing

truly left nothing to the imagination. It was extremely low cut, and somehow just managed to cover her bottom. Not only was it sparkly, but it was a Peptol Bismol shade of pink. Add a silver pair of heels and a

off Alpha Asher.” Breyona shrugged, nudging me

large swig of my drink,

I grimaced, “If she wants to be Luna that bad, she wont care if their mate’s

Breyona shuddered, “Luna Chelsea.”

in my head.” I shuddered along

the dance floor, the smell of body spray and

I lacked skill, I’m not one of those people

enjoying the way

danced up behind Breyona and placed his hands on her hips. I snickered as she whipped around, prepared to give the guy a piece of her mind. The guy was actually kinda hot. His dark

hips and shook her head. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but I’m sure it was

the guy responded with must’ve been a good answer, as Breyona pulled him

eyebrows at me, pointing at the guy when he wasn’t looking. I gave her a thumbs up and a grin as I continued

his own girl

mind. I was high on the thundering music and the dazzling lights. I hadn’t even

of large hands grasped my hips and I knew instantly from the touch that

upon himself to touch me, and found myself staring

own sort of aura that surrounded him. He was handsome in a dangerous sort of way. Extremely light blonde hair flowed from the

on the source, but this was the most relaxed I had felt in

smiled. His teeth were blindingly white, and perfectly straight. His smile had

my hips in time to the

thoughts. Sweet perfume, husky cologne, sweat, and the sharp smell of lu*t swirled around

the beautiful girl have a name?” The guy grinned, his hands finding their way back

mind. I couldn’t focus hard enough to search for her presence, but I couldn’t force myself to feel concerned. My mind felt somewhat hazy, and it wasn’t from the tiny

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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