Chapter 43 Kids fight


The next day in the lab, I was hard at work when I realized Becky was staring at

“What’s wrong?” I asked, and I smoothed my hair down. “Is my hair sticking straight up or something? Do I have something in my teeth?”

“No, no,” Becky assured me, but her expression said otherwise. “Did you have some trouble sleeping last night?”

“How did you know?” I wondered.

“Your eyes are swollen,” my assistant pointed out gently. Heat spread to my cheeks, and I took my protective goggles off. I was hoping it wasn’t that noticeable, but apparently, that wasn’t the case.

After I’d gotten Finnick to sleep, I’d gone to my own bed and cried into the early hours of the morning. Hearing about Marco and the way Asher had used him to mourn my loss had been such a heavy burden to learn about, and I wasn’t processing it well.

But I couldn’t think of that now. There was too much work to be done.

“Anyway,” I said slowly, and then I shifted the subject. “Becky, have you found anything more about Udosyn?”

I likely knew the answer, but I couldn’t help but ask anyway. Becky and I had checked all of the medical books that the royal healers had access to, but there was

no mention of Udosyn.

But surprisingly, Becky didn’t say no straight away.

“Becky?” I prompted her again. “What is it?”


said, and she pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. “It might be a

matter,” I assured her. “Any bit of information helps.”

realized last night that I’ve heard the name Udosyn before,” she revealed. “From

story?” I repeated back, and then I leaned back against the counter behind. me and crossed my arms.

I had to make sure I wasn’t- imagining it. So, I

I admitted.

collect herself. “It’s all a little hazy. But according to the story, as my mom remembers it, Udosyn was created by an academy of

eyebrows knitted together. “How did your

to be an assistant in the royal library,” my assistant answered, and she tucked a lock of dark red hair behind her ear. “I guess she read it in one of the

nodded my head as I thought about it. I didn’t know much of anything about sorcery. Not many people in Wegalla did either for that matter. All I could recall was mentions of it from historical books. See, sorcery had been wiped out of the continent centuries ago because people believed it to be evil and a

the book your mother talked

royal family,” she replied with an apologetic


Of course. Things couldn’t be easy, especially here in

it’s just a little information, but it might go a long

me a smile. For a moment, she reminded me of Marley. My heart ached. I missed my friend

was about to put my goggles back on and turn back to my work, the doors of the laboratory flew open, and in burst Erika.

managed through heavy breath, and she took a moment to

and I rushed over to her side. “What’s going

but I am,” Erika said. “I’m in a hurry and you

my tone to be so harsh, but I was getting scared by the look

the maid revealed, and panic


No, no, no.

this would happen.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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