Chapter 44 Grievance


As Adalyn continued to glare daggers in my direction, I turned to look at


“Did you lay a hand on Prince Marco?” I asked as evenly as I could possibly manage. Finnick took a moment and then shook his head.

“I didn’t do anything,” he said quietly, but his expression told a different story. Finnick tended to glance down at the ground when he was lying, and he’d done just that a moment ago. So, I took a breath and repeated myself.

“Finnick, this is serious,” I said in a much sterner tone. “I want the truth. Did you lay a hand on Prince Marco?”

Finnick took a moment of pause, and then he nodded.

“Sort of,” he admitted. “But it was just a light push, Mommy. And Marco hit me


“Prince Marco,” Adalyn corrected him through bared teeth, and then she rushed over to us. She seemed as if she were going to sn atch my son away, but held firm. and lifted him up before she could do anything.

I glared at Asher’s wife as she stopped in front of us. No one, royal or not, was going to lay a single finger on my son.

“I’ll take my son and leave-” I started to say, but as I turned to move, Adalyn’s hand clamped down on my shoulder.

“I’ll tell the Alpha King,” she spat. Her nails dug into my skin, but the pain didn’t matter. I was in protective mode and my only concern was my son.

“Tell him whatever you like,” I retorted, and I yanked my shoulder away with

impressive force. “But I’ll be taking my son away now.”

Prince Marco began to wail.

“My father is going to punish you!” he cried, and he pointed his finger at Finnick. “You’re going to be in trouble!”

Finnick opened his mouth to speak, but I shushed him immediately. I didn’t wait for Adalyn to dismiss me. I simply turned and rushed right out of the room and into the busy hallway. I walked as quickly as I could with Finnick in my arms, and I held him tightly against me.

“Mommy,” Finnick whimpered as I sped toward our chamber. “Mommy, I’m


Marco?” I asked him sternly.

having it. I

chastised him. “Now, tell me Finnick, why did you push the

soft at first, and

I prompted him quietly.

cheeks, my heart began

whites of his eyes turned slightly red. “He laughed at me, Mommy, for not having a daddy. So, I told him that he was abandoned

last night. Even if I’d known, I’d never have expected him to repeat it back to Marco. Finnick wasn’t usually that mean.

not okay,” I said loudly. “You don’t say things

what had gotten into Finnick. I hardly ever

and suddenly began to s

Mommy!” he exclaimed, and before I

the hall

it was no use. Tears welled in my own eyes. My worst fears were coming

was toxic.

for the stern hands of guards, but when I turned, it was just Erika.

she sighed. “Shhh… don’t cry. Finnick didn’t mean

said that to me,” I whispered

you, Ca ssandra.. This is all my fault. I stepped out of the classroom to

Adalyn was on the war path and would likely seek revenge on anyone involved in

“Thank you for getting me. I

a small, apologetic smile. “Thank you, Ca ssandra.

walked down the hall. Once she was gone, I continued toward my

buried in his blanket. I quietly closed the door behind me and

called out softly. “Finnick, I’m

slowly. I took a seat beside him on

there in silence for a

didn’t you tell me you overheard us last night?” I asked. “And why would. you

you, Mommy. I… just wanted to

work like that. I know you meant well, but you can’t say things like

squirmed. “You always keep things from me, Mommy.”

aback. He was right. I was so full of secrets l,could hardly breathe.

I apologized.

too,” he whispered. “I should probably say

presents itself, you should,” I agreed. “For right

didn’t like me?” Finnick wondered, and my heart

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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