Chapter 45 Telltale


As the Alpha King of Wegalla, I often had to endure things that I didn’t want to, and this meeting was no exception.

I wasn’t usually one to drift off during important conversation, but this particular one wasn’t holding me as much as I wished for it to.

I’d invited a few of my more trusted councilors into my study to discuss some business, and as I sat back in the leather armchair at my desk, their discussion danced by my ears. I’d had the housekeepers make some rearrangements, so the councilmen were seated around me rather than all of us sitting in the more informal seating area of my study.

I fidgeted in my seat. These days, I was more restless than I’d ever been. There was much to attend to, but ever since the viper attack in Rosepetal’s garden with Ca ssandra Keller, I’d been off my game.

“Your Majesty?” one of my councilors, an older gentleman named Jacoby prompted me out of my stupor. His dark eyes were wide with concern as they studied me, and I straightened my posture so he wouldn’t get the wrong impression.

“Yes, sorry,” I apologized, and I waved my hand. “Please, repeat what you said.”

“We were just discussing the forthcoming visit, Your Highness,” Jacoby managed as he glanced at the other three councilors in confusion.

In a few days, the Crescent Pack, and Anemond for that matter, would be receiving a group of diplomats from North, Yurene. The group used to be a small pack, but their old Alpha was very warlike and vicious. In the last few decades, their numbers had grown as they’d annexed several packs in its vicinity.

Normally, this wouldn’t be perceived as an issue, but their new king, who’d just

ascended took the throne a mere year ago, seemed to prefer another way of taking. lands from other Packs. They made “peaceful” diplomatic relations with the Pack they wanted to annex and then broke it down, economically and then physically.

I’d received their request to visit a month ago.

“What do you have to say about the meeting?” I prompted my councilors, and each exchanged nervous looks with one another

“If you don’t mind my being candid, Your Majesty, I must say that I don’t think this is the best idea,” Jacoby said slowly.

“I have to agree with Jacoby, Your Majesty,” Aremine, another older councilor.. added quietly. His tone was even more timid than Jacoby’s but his fierce blue eyes told another story. Aremine had been around since my father had been in power, and I considered him to be one of the wisest men in the room,

I said simply, and I crossed my

these visits as a jumping off point before they try to seize further land for their gain. This could

Karsh, the youngest of the councilors spoke up. “This could be a peaceful meeting of leaders-”

snapped, and his brow furrowed after he rolled

to play the same tricks here in Wegalla.

sure. He was playing the two sides of the debate too evenly, but that was

in numbers, and their

they’ll simply come here by force,” I said with a sigh.

words, Your Majesty,” Karsh chimed in, and

“As friends? Welcome guests? Or should we be much

things about Wegalla when they return to their own country,”

debated how to handle the visit, I closed my eyes and leaned back in my chair. As the cold leather hit my skin, a sigh of relief escaped me. My

it was to admit, I didn’t care about the diplomats from Yurene, not even a little bit. The whole country was no matter to me.

to drag out simple meetings over the span of days. But I couldn’t exactly dismiss

heard at the door

pinched the

What now?

answered from the other side. “I

to have some

exhaled. Though I didn’t know what was going on, I was glad reprieve from this meeting.

out, and then


councilors obediently rose to their feet and hurried out of the room. Just as they left, Marco burst into the

small gasp escaped me

appeared in the doorway. Her cat-like eyes were ablaze with

and immediately, I knew I was too tired to deal with this.

going on?” I asked

Ca ssandra Keller,” Adalyn spit. “And

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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