Chapter 46 Do you care?


As I stood outside Asher’s study, my heart beat like a drum. I was there to ask the Alpha King for permission to both visit the royal library and take a day off of my duties to show Finnick Anemond, and I was incredibly anxious. I had no idea if Prince Marco or Adalyn had come to him to report what had happened between the boys yesterday, and I wasn’t sure how Asher had taken it if they had.

I took a long, deep breath and then knocked on the door. A moment or two passed and then the door creaked open. Asher stood on the other side.

“Ca ssandra,” he greeted me calmly. “Come in.”


He inclined his head toward the study and held the door open for me. I crossed the threshold carefully and glanced around the room. Everything seemed as normal and there didn’t seem to be any weirdness in the air.

Once the door was closed behind us, Asher took a seat at his desk and turned his attention to a stack of documents in front of him. I’d half-expected his steel-like gray eyes to glare at me when I entered, but the Alpha King didn’t seem all that interested in my presence.

“Take a seat,” he instructed absently. “I need to finish some signatures.”

I did as I was told, and as I sat there, I wasn’t sure how to proceed. Did I need to speak up about the incident or should I wait for him to bring it up? Which option. would be perceived better?

Asher got up and left the study before I could make that decision. My foot -bounced as I waited for him to return and I carefully folded my hands in my lap. I

needed to calm down if I was going to handle all of this professionally.

The Alpha King returned five minutes later and then sat back down at his desk.

“My apologies,” he said as he swept his dark brown hair away from his

handsome face. “Now, why are you here, Ca ssandra? Health checks aren’t until next


“I’m here to ask you a couple of favors, Your Majesty,” I replied politely, and Asher raised a dark eyebrow.


ask if I could have access to the royal library. For a


His frown only deepened with every sentence and heat rose to my cheeks in anticipation. Did he think we

gave me a thoughtful nod. “You have my permission. I’ll let the librarian know you’re coming.”

I hadn’t expected that to go as well as it did. Normally there was resistance or further questioning,

up, and he smirked. “What else can

was looking so incredibly handsome in his sapphire

and my mind. I needed

like a few days to explore Anemond with my son,” I stated. “He’s never been to

could use some days

a little shocked. I expected more resistance, but he seemed perfectly fine with my requests, and on top of that, he was giving

was going on?

I wasn’t sure what else to say. Lately, every time I was around him, I was reminded of our passionate kissing session. His sighs, his groans, the way his mouth had felt on my neck, my breasts… it was hard to

anything else?” the Alpha King asked finally.

and considered my next move. As much as I didn’t want to, we needed to acknowledge the

again and told him everything. I


as I explained what had happened,

finished, he smirked.

already knew all of

gulped. “You… you did?”

going to punish us for what Finnick had done after all?

he replied, and then he frowned. “Why were

Lady Margaret’s idea,” I explained. “She generously offered for Finnick to join Prince Marco’s studies.”

murmured, almost as if he already knew. His eyes dropped

then went back to me. “Ca ssandra, I have another question for you, one I don’t understand exactly. Was it you who told Finnick about Marco’s background? And

had no idea how to answer him without incriminating Erika and I didn’t want Finnick to get

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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