Chapter 96 Finnick’s complaints


After a long, hard day of working in the lab, Becky and I parted ways and I made my way back to my room. I was tired after sorting through so much research, but I started to grow more and more excited with every step.

Finnick was returning today, and every ounce of me was thrilled to see my son again.

Though it’d only been a couple of days since I’d seen him, I missed him greatly. I didn’t like to be separated from Finnick for long periods of time, and he didn’t like it either, especially now that we lived here in Anemond.

Back in Wild Crawler, he had sleepovers at Dominic’s quite frequently. He was always a welcome guest in Alpha Gareth and Luna Sofia’s home. But here in Merliscire, I didn’t like Finnick being so far away from me. Things were too dangerous and there were too many shady characters.

Lancel followed behind me, and I did my best to ignore him. I’d tried telling him. earlier in the day that I didn’t need his assistance any longer since the imposter had. been apprehended, but Lancel insisted that he was following the orders of his Alpha, and his Alpha had yet to formally dismiss him.

I tried saying that the Alpha King probably forgot, but Lancel was firm.

“My Alpha doesn’t forget anything,” he said gravely.

I wanted to laugh and roll my eyes, but I decided not to argue the point any further. Besides, I felt awkward speaking with Lancel in any capacity, especially after what Asher and I had done.

The guard could likely imagine what had transpired in my room last night. Asher had remained there until he left this morning for work, after all.

As heat spread to my cheeks at the me ntal image of the Alpha King and I tangled up in my sheets, Lancel was called by another guard in the hallway.

“Your attention is required by the king,” the guard announced. Lancel nodded and then gave me a look.

“Will you be remaineing in your room?” the older man asked me.

I nodded. “Yes.”

“Good,” he remarked. “I’ll return later.”

leave, he let out

Ca ssandra.”

and Lancel rushed over to join the other guard. As they

when I finally reached my room, I threw open the door and was greeted


room, and she

Finnick,” I cried happily, and I picked him up and held him close. I

miss you so much, Mommy,” Finnick whispered

you too, baby,” I said.

I carefully set him down on the ground. I walked over and closed the door, and then Finnick

separated like that

many toys you promise

smiled and nodded. “I don’t

he declared, and I reached across the table and tousled his dark hair. Finnick giggled and tried to fight me

me all about your past couple of days,” I said, and I rested my elbows. on the table. “I want

alright. I missed you very much. But my new aunties treated me very

aunties?” I repeated back, and Finnick

if it were obvious. “They were very nice to me. They told me stories and brought me some new toys.


secret?” I asked.

closer, and when I did, he whispered in my

like Aunt Erika

I looked up, Erika approached the table and took a seat next to Finnick. Finnick threw his arms around her and

everyone settled, I touched Finnick’s arm gently.

have been involved? What would you like, darling? You can have any toy you want since you were so brave.”

pondered the question for a while before he began to speak.

he admitted reluctantly, and then his eyes fell to the ground. “I think

glanced at Erika. When the maid shrugged, I turned back to Finnick. “What do

“I would like to call

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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