Chapter 97 Report about the imposter

I stared down at the report that had just been hand-delivered to my office, and as my eyes trailed over it, my eyebrows creased together.

The report had been drafted by my guards after their full investigation of the imposter we’d apprehended yesterday. Unfortunately all they’d uncovered was his name, and a small crest they’d found on his person.

I held the small medallion in my hands and studied it carefully. I knew all of the Packs crests by heart, and none of them matched the one on the charm. This crest didn’t belong to any group in Wegalla, I was sure of it.


Apparently, the man’s name was Spi ke Nox, though it sounded more like an alias than his given name. According to the register list of all the guards in Merliscire, he’d been recruited as a five years ago, and had served as a private guard of Margaret’s ever since.

Apart from these details, nothing else had been recorded. His origin, his background, his qualifications… none of that could be found anywhere. Apparently, the man hadn’t been recruited form the official channels. Someone had arranged this position for him, but who?

Was it my wicked stepmother?

As I considered the idea, I heard a knock at my door. I sighed.

“Come in,” I called out. The door opened and in walked Lancel. The guard’s expression was as serious as ever, and when his eyes fell to the papers in my hands, his mouth set into a thin line.

“Is everything alright with Ca ssandra?” asked him first.

Lancel nodded politely. “Yes, Alpha. The healer is perfectly fine. She’s with her

son right now.”

“Good,” I remarked, and then I getsured at him with the report. “Have you heard about this yet? It’s a report about the imposter.”

When he shook his head, I nodded, and then told him everything. As I read every detail written down, Lancel grew more and more surprised. His eyebrows raised until they were nearly at his hairline, and then he frowned.

him?” I asked directly. “Do you think she’s behind all of this?”

idea and fell silent for a minute. He approached my desk and took a seat in

in this, she wouldn’t have arranged for this man to be so close to her. She’d maintain her

was right. Margaret may have been wicked, but she wasn’t st

had he been. assigned to her? Was he there to spy on her on someone else’s

going on?

else you’re suspicious of?” I wondered as I leaned back in my chair. “Anyone

once and sighed as he stared into the distance. He began to nod his head

I find Beta Oliver to be quite strange,” he remarked, and then

urged as I


the corridor the other day struck me as odd,” he stated calmly. “I think when he lunged forward to attack the man holding Lady Adalyn hostage, he intended to kill him. This surprised me, Alpha, as Adalyn could have easily been killed in the struggle. He

nodded. “I thought the same thing.”

grew concerned. “I think we need to

Lancel found him just as suspicious as I did, my feelings toward him were even stronger. We needed to keep a close eye on him. I didn’t care if he was my father-in-law. We had to be


as his closet. I want every last inch from the floorboards to under

I need to know if he’s involved in all

you need me to keep guarding Ca

been sorted out completely, and I have a bad feeling that something isn’t right. I need your to guard her for a little

nodded dutifully. “Of

Lancel was one of the few people

Ca ssandra last night,” I said

needed was for anyone to find out I’d slept over in the healer’s room, especially Adalyn. She was

after Ca ssandra with a vial of

too much to me to lose.

parted as if he were going to say something,

said formally, and he offered me a solemn bow. “I won’t speak

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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