Chapter 114 Dating?
As the heat in my cheeks furthered, Kaleb chuckled.
“Yes, I suppose I am,” the king of Yurene remarked, and then he crouched down to Finnick’s level. “And you’re Finnick, am I correct?”
When Finnick nodded happily, Kaleb’s smile widened.
“Well, it’s a pleasure to see you again,” he said. When he rose to his feet, he turned his attention back to me. “Where are you two headed to?”
“We’re going to the carousel!” Finnick announced excitedly.
“The carousel?” Kaleb repeated back. “I see. That sounds quite fun. May I escort you there?”
“It’s okay-” I started to say, but the king raised his hand.
“Please, it would be my pleasure,” he assured me. His smile was so kind that I decided to accept his invitation, and after I nodded, the three of us made our way toward the carousel.
Once we reached the square, my jaw dropped.
The carousel was just as beautiful as I remembered.
It was a gorgeous thing, old-fashioned but clearly well-maintenanced. I’d nif-expected to see years of wear and tear on the various painted horses, but their pint was just as bold and lovely as ever.
As the jewel-toned colors of the horses danced by us, I felt as if I were a child again, and my lips curled into a delighted smile.
Wow, Mormy,
I glanced down at him, his eyes
were wide and almost doll-like. It touched my heart to see my son so excited and

I smiled down at him. “Isn’t it pretty?”
Finnick nodded. “Can we ride it now?”
“We have to get in line,” I said, and I gestured at the small line of people. “Let’s
head over there.”
“Yay!” Finnick exclaimed, and he took my hand in his and practically dragged me over to the line of people. Kaleb followed suit, and I was a little surprised to see that he looked just as cheerful as Finnick and me. The king of Yurene wasn’t exactly a serious guy but I hadn’t expected a grown man to appreciate something like a carousel.
The line didn’t take too long to move, and once we reached the front, a kind older man ushered us over to a trio of painted horses. I carefully helped Finnick onto the smallest one, and once he was seated, I climbed on the one beside him. Kaleb took the horse just behind us, and a laugh rose up at the sight of the tall man on the
We rode with Finnick for one round, and then he insisted he wanted to go again on his own. Kaleb and I shared a laugh and agreed to wait by the gate and watch.
The king and I leaned against the cold metal gate and watched the carousel go by in silence, until finally, Kaleb spoke up.
“How have you been doing recently, Ca sandra?” he asked. “I know there has been quite a deal of drama lately, and you’ve been busy with your research. Are you
ng well”
“I am,” I said, and I offered him a kind smile. “Thank you for asking.”
“Of course,” the foreign king replied, and then his expression grew serious. “I didn’t intend to ask this of you right now, but since I have you here… have you considered my request at all?”
The truth of the matter was that I had strongly considered Kaleb’s offer to come to the North. Up until a few days ago, I’d thought going to Yurene was the only possible way to find a cure to the disease, but now, with the hope that Marley could be bringing something useful, I didn’t think it was a good idea.
“I appreciate your generosity,” I said politely in the kindest tone I could manage. “But I’m afraid I have to decline. I can’t leave Anemond at the moment… and
between us, I think I may have another way to figure out the root cause and cure of the disease that ails your father.”
“Oh?” Kaleb asked as his eyebrow shot up. “How?”
“I can’t say at the moment,” I replied. “It’s still just a theory at the moment, but if I continue down this path… I may find a way to help everyone affected.”
The king remained silent, but for the briefest of moments, his navy eyes darkened and his mouth drew into a thin line. A chill ran through me, but just as quickly as his expression shifted, it returned to its calm and collected state.
Had my eyes deceived me?
“I understand,” Kaleb remarked thoughtfully, and he leaned further against the gate. “The idea of visiting the North isn’t the most appealing. I know everyone in Wegalla perceives Yurene to be impoverished and barbaric-”
“That’s not what I meant,” I assured him.
He smiled. “It’s alright, Cas sandra. I’m going to be staying here in Wegalla for another two weeks before I return to Yurene. If you end up changing your mind, you can always come to me and let me know.”
“Thank you,” I replied, though I wasn’t so sure my mind would change. My life was so tied up in Anemond, in Asher… there was no way I could leave to go to a
reign land, not now anyway.
Before the conversation could go any further, Finnick got off of the carousel and headed toward us. As he approached, I checked my watchjain.
“I’d better start heading back to the palace,” I said, and then I turned back to Kaleb. “I’m about to open a new clinic near the palace in a few days, so if you’d like to come visit, you’re more than welcome there.”
“That sounds great,” the foreign king replied, and then he smiled. “I will see your later then, Cas sandra. Thank you for the wonderful afternoon.”
He offered me a small bow and then excused himself. As he walked away, I took
Finnick’s hand in mine.
“Let’s go, baby,” I said.
On our way back to the palace, Finnick hummed happily to himself.
“Did you have a good time today?” I asked as I smiled down at him.
“Oh yes,” he said, and then he tilted his head slightly. “Mommy, are you dating
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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