Chapter 115 Kane’s visit
“Oh, Cas sandra, that’s amarter Becky evelammed as the entered the clinic.
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officially our moving day
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Chapter 115 Kane’s visit
“Oh, Cas sandra, that’s amazing!” Becky exclaimed as she entered the clinic.
My assistant’s already large eyes grew even wider as she shut the door and peered around the building. She had just returned from her holiday and it was officially our moving day.
“Isn’t it?” I remarked as I carefully set down a pile of boxes. Once they were on the ground, I wiped the dust off of my hands and walked over to her. “It’s great to see you, Becky. How were your days off?”
“They were great,” Becky said with a small smile. “I always feel so much pressure working in the palace, but I was able to catch up on some rest and I’m feeling much better.”
Sure enough, the color had returned to her cheeks and her dark eyes were no longer underscored with dark circles. Her dark red hair was nice and neat, and I noticed she was wearing a light touch of makeup. Becky looked great, and I was glad to see that she was in such good spirits.
“I understand completely,” I said, and then I lowered my voice slightly. “Between you and me… I feel relieved to be away from the palace. Its much quieter
“Definitely,” Becky agreed. “Now, will you show me around?”
I grinned. “Of course. Right this way.”
I happily gave my assistant a small tour of our new clinic. Ihough our equipment was still in the process of being moved over, we had made great progress in setting things up. There was no shortage of cots and examination tables, and they were all arranged behind thick fabric curtains ti t could be drawn for necessary privacy. Along the warm cream-colored walls were shelves and
places for storage, and there were multiple stations that would allow Becky and I to clean up and operate efficiently.
It was impressive that this had all come together so quickly, and that we’d managed to get a place set up that was not only professional but comforting. All of the colors here were warm and inviting, whereas in Merliscire, everything was harsh and sterile. I wanted to make sure that my patients would feel at ease here, and I had no doubt in my mind that it was an easily reachable goal.
As we walked around, I couldn’t help but feel a wave of relief. Adalyn and Margaret had been rather silent these days and hadn’t attempted anything further.
I I that I was finally moving from the palace, I felt like I could breathe without
When Becky and I returned to the reception area, Erika walked through the door, holding a box.
“Where should I place this, Cas sandra?” she asked.
“That can go to the second floor,” I replied. Erika nodded and then smiled warmly at Becky before heading up the stairs. The maid was followed by a young girl, the new maid Asher had sent named Hannah. The girl was incredibly petite, with pretty dark skin and a mass of gorgeous black curls. Her dark eyes peeked at us shyly, but she managed to give us a small smile as she passed by. She was a quiet girl, but she seemed very kind. I looked forward to getting to know her further.
Just as the maids disappeared up the stairs, there was a knock on the door, and then a familiar voice.
“I hope I’m not disturbing you.”
In walked Kane Collins, who greeted us with a brilliant smile. Asher’s handsome tepbrother was followed by several se rvants holding elaborately wrapped gift
“I’m here on behalf of my very busy brother,” Kane continued. “Who is unfortunately tied up at the moment? I do hope I’m not interruping.”
“Not at all,” I said warmly. “It’s great to see you. Come with me, we can speak in the meeting room.”
“Wonderful,” he said.
I escorted him to the meeting room just down the hall, and invited him to take a seat on one of the plush white couches. As he got comfortable, I prepared some tea for us. Erika and Hannah were far too busy tidying up, so I had no problem with making it myself.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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