Chapter 147 She had made a promise
As I waited in Asher’s study for him to return, I paced the room and pondered what Spi ke had said. The imposter’s words swirled around my mind like a storm, and I felt baffled by all of this.
If the two diseases or chronic poisons were in fact, different, then how had Asher been infected? How had the Alpha King contracted a disease that was so similar yet so different from the one I’d been treating in Wild Crawler?
Was he poisoned?
And if so, who could have done it?
Just a day ago, I thought we had finally found a small shred of hope in this nightmare of a situation. But if what Asher suffered from was different than the patients in Wild Cralwer, did that mean I couldn’t cure him even if Becky or Spi ke
found a cure?
couldn’t bear the thought of losing Asher, not now, not ever.
my heated cheeks, I
As tears began to well up and threatened to spill onto closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. I forced any and all thoughts to leave my mind as I centered myself, and soon, I was able to calm down.
Suddenly, just as I was about to open them, a warm hand covered my eyes.
“Guess who?” Asher’s voice playfully tickled my ears.
I tried to fight my smile, but it was impossible.
“Hmm…” I feigned ignorance. “I have no clue. Who is there?”
Asher chuckled. “You’ve never been a good liar.”
His arms wrapped around me and hugged me tightly from behind. This had always been his favorite playful gesture when we were young. But today, in the midst of all of these discoveries and realizations, I couldn’t help but feel a little sorrowful.
I forced myself to push through it and remain calm. I shoved my emotions to + side.

Asher released his hold around me.
“Sorry to keep you waiting,” he apologized as he walked over to his favorite leather sofa and took a seat. “Have you been here long?”
I shook my head. “Not too long. It’s okay.”
“Good,” he remarked, and then he patted the cu shion beside him. “Come sit
with me.”
I nodded and then happily joined him on the sofa. We sat there for a moment, so close that I could feel the warmth that radiated from his body. At the very least, it was good that he wasn’t yet cold. Had he been freezing, I would have been much more worried. He seemed to be in good spirits despite the dark circles that underscored his beautiful gray eyes.
“I spoke with Spi ke today,” I decided to share.
“Oh?” he asked in surprise. “And how was that? Has he made any new
“Sort of,” I admitted. “He… he noticed that the blood samples weren’t from the same person. He recognized that the blood was yours.”
The Alpha King was taken aback and his lips parted in surprise.
“Oh,” he said quietly.
“He also…” I trailed off, and I fought to gather myself. “He thinks that your illness is different from the one I was dealing with in Wild Crawler.”
Asher’s dark eyebrows shot up and his normally tanned face paled. As he
stared at me in shock, my heart beat rapidly in my chest and I felt as if I were going to cry again.
I hadn’t wanted to tell him. In a perfect world, I would have withheld this information until I knew what it meant for sure. I did this all the time with patients Sometimes, remaining quiet until all of the facts were in place was better. It kep patients from getting prematurely upset.
But Asher Collins wasn’t just another patient.
He was the love of my life, and he was
incredibly sick. Even if I wanted to lie to preserve his feelings, I couldn’t do it. He meant too much to me, and I’d spent too much time lying to him.
Just as I was about to speak, Asher reached over and gently ran his hands through my hair.
“I now understand why you didn’t seem too happy when I walked in,” he said softly as he stroked my hair.
I leaned into his touch and then forced myself to put on a cheerful facade.
“I made you a promise, Asher,” I assured him quietly. “I’m going to find a way to
cure you.”
Asher smiled back and nodded. “I know. I trust you, Cas sandra. More than anyone else.”
We sat there for a little bit, and once his hand dropped back down into his lap, I cleared my throat and oriented my body toward him.
“Asher, when did you first notice the symptoms of the disease?” I wondered.
He considered the question for a moment.
“I can’t pinpoint the exact time,” he admitted. “But it started not long before my visit to Wild Crawler.”
“Had you taken anything suspicious during that period?” I inquired, but he
shook his head.
“Nothing out of the ordinary,” he said.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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