Chapter 148 Chess teacher
Asher proved to be a patient teacher, and Finnick was an eager student.
I sat back and observed their game with interest from the sofa about ten feet away with an impressed smile on my face.
Initially reserved, Finnick soon began asking questions and showing more. interest in the game. His furrowed brow unfurled as time went on, and his adorably serious expression shifted to one of intrigue.
As the game went on, it was clear that the Alpha King and my son were getting along quite well. Asher was far more gentle and understanding than I’d expected him to be, and my heart warmed at the sight of him spending so much time with Finnick. I’d never imagined this day would come, and I was relieved to have a moment of happiness amidst the tense atmosphere of late.
They took a break when Erika entered the playroom with some tea. As Asher, Finnick, and I sat down at the table by the window, I ran my hands through Finnick’s
thick dark brown hair.
“Did you find the chess game interesting, honey?” I asked him gently.
Finnick smiled at me and nodded. “I want to play chess with you, Mommy. Do
you know how to play?”
When I nodded, Finnick lit up and raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Really?”
“Yes,” I confirmed, and then my cheeks heated up a bit. “Actually, I must admit that I’m a pretty skilled player. My father taught me how to play when I was very young. The Alpha King’s father did as well.”
“Wow,” Finnick breathed, and then his head tilted to the side slightly at the revelation. “Mommy, why didn’t I know you could play chess? And why hadn’t you

taught me before? We could have played together.”
“I didn’t know you were interested, honey,” I explained with a shrug. “If I’d known that you were, I would have shown you much earlier.”
Finnick nodded as he considered my words, and then his smile grew wide.
“So, Mommy, can you show me more?” he wondered. “I want to learn. everything I can, and if you’re a skilled player, maybe I could be one someday too!”
Before I could respond, Asher cleared his throat.
“You know, Finnick, I could come by every day and teach you if you want,” he offered generously. “Your mother might be too busy with the clinic to do much, but I can make time to come by and play. I think you have a lot of potential as a student.”
Finnick and I glanced at each other, clearly surprised by Asher’s offer. Surely, as the Alpha King, his schedule had to be far more busy than mine. Was it a good ideal for him to set such time aside for a child that wasn’t Prince Marco?
I was about to object to the idea when Asher spoke again.
“No pressure, of course,” he assured Finnick in a gentle tone. “I just think it
could be fun for us.”
It was clear that the Alpha King wanted to build a closer relationship with his son. While I knew the idea was a little dangerous, I didn’t object further. His intentions were good, and if Finnick wanted him as a playmate, I would accept the idea. Finnick was so lonely here in the clinic while I was working. He deserved some
Finnick glanced at me, and when I nodded in approval, he extended his hand to
“Sounds like a deal to me!” he noted excitedly. Asher laughed and shook his hand, and as they laughed, my heart throbbed in my chest. This moment was so special, and I was grateful that the two of them were getting along. They were the two most important men in my life. Seeing them together was doing so much for my
me ntal health, which had been in shambles for far too long.
Once we finished the lovely peach green tea and ate some scones Hannah had. made, Asher and Finnick sat down to play for a bit longer. I studied a book as they resumed their game, but peeked over the heavy volume every once in a while to check their progress. Finnick was catching on fast. I was very proud of his progr and knew that he would likely become a very good player one day.
Chess had been a passion of mine in my younger years, and as I watched Finnick play against the Alpha King, I remembered how competitive Asher and I used to get when we were children. Asher was always so determined to defeat me, but his confidence did him no good. I was too skilled of a player and always managed to come out the victor.
After a little while, Asher glanced at the clock on the wall and let out a small sigh.
“I wish I could continue playing all night,” he lamented with a frown. “But unfortunately, I have to be leaving. Thank you so much for playing with me, Finnick.”
“Thank you,” Finnick replied politely, and his cheeks flushed pink with bashfulness. “I had a lot of fun.”
“Me too,” Asher agreed.
He rose to his feet and I set my book aside.
“I’ll walk you out,” I said.
Finnick and Asher said their goodbyes, and then I led Asher down the stairs and out of the clinic. By the time we reached the front door, I was surprised to see that the sky had darkened significantly and guards were waiting nearby.
Asher lingered for a moment.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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