Chapter 260
The information that Ms. Benn had told me about Lady Helene seemed to spread through the castle like wildfire. The stories from the maids traveled fast, and servants began to gossip and wonder if Helene had died. These rumors spiraled on and turned absurd by the time it was three days before the wedding. People suggested they were going to see a monster at the altar because surely, that was what Helene had turned into.
So, when Ronald announced that he and his fiancee were holding a party at his residence two days before the wedding night, everyone was surprised.
Before I had received my invitation that day, I was summoned by Kaleb and taken to the same meeting room we’d spoken in before. When Ms. Benn quietly escorted me from my chamber and dropped me off in the corridor, I heard whispers about Lady Helene and did my best to drown them out. I didn’t want to pay these awful stories any mind, especially if something really had happened to my friend. Lila had yet to disclose any information to me, so I was completely in the dark about the situation.
When I walked into the meeting room, Kaleb was seated at the table. His dark blue eyes were distant, as if he had much weighing on his mind. It wasn’t until I took a seat that he finally glanced up at me.
“Cassandra,” he greeted me emotionlessly. “Welcome.”
“Your Majesty,” I said back politely.
He sighed and ran a hand through his golden brown hair. “While I appreciate the niceties, there’s no need for the stiffness, Cassandra.”
I wasn’t sure how to respond, so I simply nodded. The king of Yurene seemed satisfied by that and continued on.
“I suppose you want to know why you’re here,” he mused. “I wanted to ask you some questions regarding Emmett-”
“I’ve told you all that I know,” I interrupted him, and then I softened my tone and forced a calm expression. “As I’ve mentioned before, I don’t know anything special about him, nor have I remembered any new details from the past. I’ve told you everything.”
Kaleb exhaled heavily and began to rub his temples. There was a restlessness about him and from the dark circles beneath his reddened eyes, I had the feeling it had been going on for days. He seemed on edge, more so than usual.
Something was bothering the Northern king.
Thu, 29 Feb
Chapter 260
But what?
As he massaged his temples, he closed his eyes and I wasn’t sure what to do or say. I needed a distraction, something to shift the focus to rather than Emmett.

“How are Raven and Roxy?” I wondered. “I haven’t seen them in quite some time.
Kaleb suddenly opened his eyes at the mention of Roxy’s name in particular, and his deep navy irises bore into mine with intensity. My heart beat swiftly in my chest as I worried that I may have said the wrong thing.
But just as quickly as he reacted, he softened his gaze and sat back in his chair.
“Roxy is on a mission,” he noted nonchalantly.
It was immediately obvious that Kaleb was stressed about something. Perhaps this so- called mission that Raven’s intense and angry twin sister was on? Though he was trying to maintain a certain coolness, I saw right past him.
He was hiding something.
Kaleb shifted slightly, and as he turned away from me, I noticed the pallor of his skin. He looked much paler than usual like he was feeling ill. If his mannerisms were any indication, he likely wasn’t sleeping well, which would only make things worse.
For the first time, Kaleb appeared weak.
I had an impulse to take advantage of the situation and ask him about the things that had bothered me- Raven’s research, the mind-controlling, the impending fight against Wegalla. Part of me was almost deluded enough to think if I asked, Kaleb might communicate with me openly and in the process, reveal something about himself. Perhaps a weakness I could make note of or some vulnerable bit of information I could keep in mind for the future.
But no matter how much I wanted to try, I said nothing.
I couldn’t risk making things worse for myself, or for Finnick or Erika. While we were all trapped here in Yurene, I couldn’t act rashly or on impulse. I had to be smart in case something backfired.
So, I remained quiet.
However, the moment I committed to silence, Kaleb turned back to face me and spoke softly.
“After Ronald’s wedding, we can consider our own thing,” he offered vaguely. “Our wedding.”
10:21 Thu, 29 Feb
Chapter 260
The heaviness in my heart
Kaleb was unable to communicate, wasn’t he?
I wasn’t sure what to say, so I forced a small smile and nodded.
The king of Yurene reached out to me as if he wanted to hold my hand. It was a strange gesture, and while I knew that in his current state, it was a meaningless thing, I avoided his touch.
“Finnick is expecting me,” I said awkwardly, and I glanced at the door. “I promised to play chess with him today.”
Kaleb’s hand lingered halfway between us and then he nodded and pulled it back.
“Of course,” he said quietly, and then he gestured forward. “You’re free to go, Cassandra.”
Later that day, a maid arrived at my chamber to take me to Ronald’s residence. She was a middle-aged woman I’d never seen before and she wore a pleasant smile. She introduced herself as Helene’s maid and mentioned that her mistress looked forward to
seeing me.
After I said goodbye to Erika and Finnick, I agreed to go with her, and as we walked to Ronald’s residence, I studied the maid closely. She was acting normal, much to my surprise, and I realized that the information Ms. Benn had given me was true. Helene’s former maid was truly gone.
But was it really a suicide?
I felt both agitated and worried. I didn’t understand why Ronald had decided to throw this party. If he wanted to show everyone that Helene was fine, he could have done so in two days at the wedding.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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