Chapter 261


Helene didn’t utter a word on our way to the ladies‘ room but conducted herself very politely. Her pretty face remained smiling, and the expression was so fixed it was as if she had been born smiling. It was unnerving after a while, and I kept waiting for it to falter, but her face never changed.

Once the door to the bathroom was shut tightly behind us, I tried to talk with her and attempted to coax her out of her daze.

“Are you feeling better?” I asked. “I heard that you were ill with some sort of sickness.”

“It was just a cold,” Helene replied nonchalantly. “It was nothing to worry about. I’ve fully recovered now.”

I nodded my head and after a moment of pause, I tried again. “I heard about your maid as well-”

“It was all just a rumor,” she cut me off before I could finish my sentence. “The maid resigned because her mother passed away. I suppose that someone wanted to use such gossip to demean my fiance, but it couldn’t be farther from the truth.”

She turned to face the mirror and smoothed her caramel–colored hair down. My eyebrows creased together as I tried to make sense of it all. Her movements, her expression, her tone, even her words… it all seemed so rehearsed. It was so eerie and strange like she was a puppet or something.

I waited a little while and then decided to probe her further.

“Helene, did something happen?” I asked directly. “You don’t seem like your usual self.”

She turned to face me and her smile grew even more exaggerated, as if she were putting on a show or something. Her berry–painted lips were curled into a chilling grin and after a second or two, I had to glance elsewhere.

“Don’t worry about me,” she assured me, and then she turned to face the mirror.

Something definitely wasn’t right. No matter what I asked, Helene answered me without much consideration, as if she had her answers prepared beforehand. Everything about her felt so fake, it was almost as if she were someone else entirely.

I wasn’t sure what was going on. Was she behaving this way because she didn’t want to risk being overheard? Surely this place wasn’t the best place to speak about the plan, but I began to wonder if she decided not to carry out her escape at all. Maybe she thought I was unreliable and didn’t want to follow through.


11:58 Fri, 1 Mar. ti & G

Chapter 261



try again. I took a step closer

marble bathroom to

my voice to a

happen? Or do you want to cancel

to face me. Confusion painted her expression and she blinked her honey brown eyes at me

talking about?” she asked as she stared

I talking about?

at her in shock. Why did she seem so unaware of what

to escape and find her freedom outside of Vlokwell, but as I stared into her

had no idea of what I

innocence in her gaze. was incomparable. I knew in my heart that Helene was truly confused and didn’t know what I was speaking of. She had forgotten about our talks,


dread set in, I tried to make

her bedridden for days? No, that couldn’t be possible. She would have had to


out of


is waiting

Ronald had me confused. She seemed so

What had changed?

wondering where we were, and I didn’t want to keep him waiting

1 Mar Łi

Chapter 261

hurting her and I couldn’t

we left the room and stepped into the hall, I



you like to visit

have you over so you

Her tone wasn’t aggressive at all. She genuinely sounded like she was content with his attention and didn’t want

I replied.

decline. Yet, when we arrived at the party, Helene asked for his

go shopping with Cassandra out of town if you want,” he

from you,” she mused dreamily, and


Something wasn’t right.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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