Chapter 274


Even as a child, I had been well aware of the fact that my new stepfather didn’t love my mother. Though the King of Wegalla had always treated us well, and Margaret never complained about his lack of attention or kindness, it wasn’t difficult to tell that he didn’t share any affection toward her. Truthfully, Asher’s father had only married Margaret because she had been his late wife’s maid. After Selene Collins’ death, the king was desperate to learn any and all information he could about the queen, and he saw his union with my mother as an opportunity.

He asked Margaret to tell him everything about the late queen: how she had laughed, how she would smile, the things that brought her happiness. Every single detail about her. Selene was the only subject of their conversations, and while my mother didn’t outwardly protest or refuse him, it bothered her greatly.

She had told me once that she believed the king was just trapped in his regret. He regretted that he had neglected his beautiful and beloved wife. He was remorseful and told my mother once in a drunken stupor that life felt unbearable after Selene’s death.

Despite the king’s words and actions, Margaret was fully convinced things would change. She believed that if she tried hard enough, she could help Asher’s father forget Selene.

But it was nothing more than a delusion in her mind.

Things didn’t improve, not in the slightest.

One day, I had even heard the king ask Margaret to imitate Selene.

I didn’t remember what I had wanted that day, but I had overheard the conversation when I was roaming the halls of Merliscire in search of my mother. I had been searching high and low, and when I arrived in the corridor near their room, I heard voices filtering out. I froze for a moment and then quietly crept toward the room until I was just outside of it. I crouched down low to ensure I wasn’t detected and held my breath as I listened in.

Their conversation was nothing noteworthy until the king asked my mother to speak like Selene. It wasn’t a typical order, more like a plea, and when he spoke the words out loud, Margaret had laughed, thinking it was a joke. The moment she had laughed, the king’s demeanor changed and his pleas turned into a command. He told her that as her king, he was giving a command and she had to obey.




Chapter 274

was ashamed to do so. When her imitation didn’t meet the king’s standards he berated her

the best,” he snarled at her. “That’s why I married you, Margaret. But it

tears. Thankfully, the king hadn’t seen me as he rushed out into the corridor, and once he was gone, I ran in to comfort my

I wanted to say wasn’t going to do me any good, nor her. I wanted

deepest secret I held in my heart. I would never find the courage to confess to my brother that Margaret had been complicit in killing his father. She had once confessed to me that she had put an end to the late king’s life using

future for her, and

softly as her

of my daze at

don’t know, Kiara. I wish

her eyes diminished and

upid of me to ask, of course. You’ve never been married so

window again and then

as if they thought I was too slow- witted to know they were lying. But I’m not. I know most of those

Sat, 16 Mar

Chapter 274



I tried to make sense of her words. “Kiara, you’re clever and kind… you deserve so much more

a small smile. “I was happy when you said you wanted to marry me. I had heard about you from cousins and friends who came

suddenly and then rose

then she nodded her head. “Thank you for your time, Kane. I hope

and started to walk

called out, but she glanced behind her and stopped in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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