Chapter 275


Rayden seemed completely surprised by the fact that Asher was here in Yurene as well, and though it was clear from his expression that he wanted to know more about the situation, he didn’t ask for the details.

The new Alpha of Wild Crawler sat at the table patiently and allowed me to share some of the more vague aspects of the king’s presence while leaving out the ones that would get him in trouble if he were caught. I didn’t want to keep secrets from the sweet young man who had come here with the intention of rescuing me, but I didn’t want Rayden to get in trouble on my behalf and face punishment at the hands of these violent Northerners. I’d seen firsthand what the prisoners in the tower looked like after being

tortured and medically experimented on. I wouldn’t risk Rayden’s life like that.

At the same time, there were things I needed him for, and if it was possible to receive his help, I couldn’t refuse.

I told him that we needed to take a sorceress back to Wegalla with us, and to my surprise, he didn’t question the reason. He simply told me that we could use the large wooden boxes for smuggling purposes.

From there, we enacted a plan.

We would move after the wedding ceremony began.

While Helene and Ronald stood there at the altar, Rayden would wait at the gate outside of Vlokwell. Meanwhile, Asher and I would go fetch Raven. I had figured out several routes that weren’t as guarded as the rest, so I was certain I could get to her without being spotted. Rayden said he’d arrange for some of his companions to be there in case any accidents were to happen. They were loyal to him and he knew they would cooperate easily.

Once our plan was crafted, Rayden and I parted ways, and I left his room quietly. As I stepped into the corridor, I felt the urgent need to talk with Asher, but knew that he was off at Ronald’s residence with the other guests. The Alpha King was wearing a disguise that concealed his identity, and while I knew he would be safe, I was still nervous that he would get caught.

I waited in my room anxiously, pacing back and forth as I waited for him to return, and with every minute that passed, my nervousness grew.

I was sure that Asher would find a reason to come back to meet me before the

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Chapter 275

ceremony, but timing was everything. Kaleb was going to send a maid to pick me up, and

yawn escaped me as I gazed out the window. I didn’t know why I was feeling so exhausted. Perhaps it was the bad weather.

Ronald’s when I heard the familiar hum of a Wegallan song. It was the signal we had decided upon the night before. Once I heard the signal, I was supposed to go to the staircase and go down

stairs with great haste. Thankfully, no one else had returned to the building yet, so the hall was empty, and I rushed right into Asher’s


me, Asher swept me into his arms and kissed me. My arms wrapped around him tightly, and he spun me happily in a circle before setting me back down. We continued to kiss passionately, our lips and tongues pressing and exploring each other’s for quite a bit of time. It seemed as if we could never get enough of one another, and the moment we were together, we wanted to give into our wolves’ instinct. Though I couldn’t shift anymore, the primal urge to be together was still quite strong, and it

you so long?” I asked as

quite talkative,” he sighed, and he gently stroked my long hair. “I’m sorry I was gone for so long,

him. “While you were gone, I was working on a

about my reunion with Rayden, and Asher seemed less than pleased that the newly appointed Alpha of Wild Crawler had come

felt my confidence grow ever so slightly. Maybe I would

down and pressed his lips

of you,” he told me when he pulled away, and he smiled warmly. “I knew you would figure out



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Chapter 275


him, and as love swelled within my heart,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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