Chapter 296 Adalyn's plan BECKY Though I was no stranger to witnessing Adalyn’s awful behavior, this was something else entirely. When she had ransacked our lab and gotten into altercations with Cassandra, she had been whiny, childish, and bratty.

But here in Silas’ room, she was acting differently. It was awful and infuriating to see her acting as if she cared about her brother or all of these healers.

Strangely, I had the sense that Adalyn was trying to control her father. I thought it was the other way around, but Adalyn seemed to be pulling the strings successfully.

Oliver Moses scanned the room and

then his son’s lifeless form for a moment and then let out a heavy sigh.

He ran his hand through his graying hair and then nodded his head. The pair left the chamber and once the door closed behind them, I shook my head and frowned.

As the healers around me let out collective sighs of relief and talked amongst themselves, I thought about Adalyn’s words.

A plan? What plan? Mentioning the king and the country in front of us had been a bold move and I had a feeling they were going to take some new, drastic actions, ones that could have terrible consequences. I needed to find out what was happening and what they planned to do.

So, after Adalyn and Oliver had been gone for five minutes or so, I made the excuse of needing to use the restroom.” The healers were so focused on the encounters with the Moseses to notice and I slipped out of the room easily.

I had hoped to find where Oliver and Adalyn were going to talk but I hadn’t expected that the House of Moses would be so large and complicatingly structured.

corridor aimlessly and when I turned on my heels, I accidentally bumped into two young maids holding trays. They had been moving so

I apologized with widened eyes and then I studied

other, more sulky one was much, much older, The elderly woman’s dark eyes shot daggers at me and she wore a sulky

the house is not open to all.” I thought fast on my feet for an explanation and then offered the best

of the royal

older woman replied with a raised eyebrow and she gestured down the

were called to serve there,” the younger maid spoke up. “It isn’t normally our duty-" “Enough,” the older woman cut her off. “There’s no reason to explain all of this to a healer.” The redheaded maid shrank back and nodded vigorously and

around,” she warned me again, and then she pulled the

but now that I knew their | intended

maids were in such a hurry they didn’t realize someone was following

watched as they knocked firmly. The door opened, and after they entered and it closed again, I crossed the hall carefully. I crept toward the door and once I was sure I was in the clear, I held my ear against it. It

The voices were muffled.

heard the maids address Oliver and Adalyn respectfully and fearfully but I couldn’t hear what either of the Moseses were saying in return. There was a minute of pause and then I heard Adalyn’s voice

walking toward me, probably some servants. I thought fast on my feet and opened

noticed it was empty, I entered and closed the

let out a soft

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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