Chapter 297 Adalyn's Plot BECKY i I knew Cassandra and the Alpha King needed to be informed of Adalyn’s plan before they returned to Anemond. If Adalyn really intended to use their son to manipulate the king, they needed to be aware in advance so he wouldn't fall for the ruse.

Of course, I had no idea how to get this information to them. I hadn't received any news about Rayden or Cassandra before I arrived in the House of Moses, nor had I'in a while. I phoned Wild Crawler every day in hopes of hearing about their whereabouts but there hadn’t been any updates since Rayden had left for Yurene. There was no telling where they were or if they were


I wanted to pull my hair out in “> frustration but I managed to remain calm and level-headed. I needed to keep my wits about me here if I wanted to survive this mess of a situation.

As their talk ended, I was about to get close to the door so I could peer out through the door crack. I needed to make sure no one would see me when I left the room, maids or otherwise.

Before I could move an inch, Adalyn’s voice suddenly grew louder. I stiffened and placed my hand over my mouth.

She was just outside the room.

Adalyn grumbled to herself and I couldn’t make sense of what she was saying. It didn’t matter. I was about to

get caught if she entered the room, Just as I heard the door click, I slipped behind the thick curtains. A mere handful of seconds later, Adalyn came in. Luckily, the whole room was dim and Adalun didn’t tend to turn on lights, so I managed to steal a glance at her undetected.

She took a seat on the couch with her back toward the curtains. She remained utterly still and seemed to be waiting for someone as she continued to look at the clock on the wall.

Soon after, someone knocked on the door.

“Come in,” Adalyn called out in a bored, lazy sort of voice.

A maid entered, followed by a man. I recognized him as the head of the royal

had been scolded by Oliver Moses back in

quickly dismissed.

talk to him about? She clearly wasn’t worried about Silas’ health, not in a

be discovered,

Adalyn ordered

way, and then he complied without hesitation. I could sense

greatly afraid of Adalyn. Not that I

it as

afraid of,” she said smoothly. “As long as you listen to me and do

a shiver down my spine. “Without your help, Silas wouldn’t be so quiet, would he?” My lips parted and I shoved my hand over my mouth. The realization of it all


the truth,” he said, his voice quivering toward the end of

laughed. “How would he? My father knows nothing about medicine or medical treatments. He would have discovered the truth long ago if

underestimated me because he could only ever see his son.” She paused and then let out

lifted. Your son will be a noble and your daughter will be married to one of the prestigious heirs of the big

any healer ever could.” This was all

benefits of nobility? It was strange to me that someone would do serious harm to Silas for all of that no matter how tempting it was. As someone who had grown up poor with no sort of title or power, I could never do what the healer had done. None of that mattered to me anyway, but as healers, it was our duty to take care of our patients. Harming

the healer expressed obediently. “What do you need from me today?” “I know you're an expert when it comes to drugs,” Adalyn said. “We can’t always let Silas sleep like this. I don’t want him to die, of

A snort escaped her.

want him to wake up, but in a different

head healer repeated, his tone confused. “I don’t understand, Lady Adalyn.” “I'm sure you can figure it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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