Chapter 301 Her brother CASSANDRA HB When Asher and I and a few Wild Crawler soldiers arrived at Keller’s, we were surprised to find that Dickson wasn’t there.

Instead, there was another younger man looking after the clinic, onel didn’t recognize. He had a gloomy expression on his bored face and his brown eyes rolled at us when we entered the clinic.

“I thought you were Dickson,” he remarked, then sighed as he shook his head in annoyance.

“Sorry to disappoint,” I apologized, though I barely meant it.

“Whatever,” he mumbled. “Who are

| you?” “We're friends of Dickson,” I replied vaguely, unsure of how much ~~ information to provide to a total stranger. “And you are?” He sighed, as if my questions were inconveniencing him, and then he . straightened his posture and began to speak. “Max. I’m Dickson’s friend. He asked me to do him a favor, which normally wouldn’t be an issue, but I didn’t expect to be babysitting a clinic like this. I haven’t worked as a healer in a long time. How am I supposed to look after patients?” He continued filling me in on all of the details I had missed during my absence from Anemond. Dickson had told him that the clinic hadn’t received any new patients and several others left the

clinic given the current situation in Wegalla. Despite so, there were still a few patients who needed daily checks.

Finally, I cut him off.

“Where did Dickson go?” I wondered as I forced down my rising irritation.

Much to my dismay, Max only offered me a shrug. “I don’t know. He only told me to come here and look after the place. But if you’re friends of Becky, he left you a note.” My heart dropped at the mention of Becky and my eyes went wide. I exchanged a glance with Asher and then turned back to face Max. The young man wordlessly pointed ahead at the reception table, and I followed the direction of his gesture until I

spotted a piece of paper.

rushed over and then unfurled the paper with my shaking hands. It took a deal of effort to keep from dropping the note entirely, but when I felt Asher’s reassuring hand on my back, my nerves quelled at least a little.

. Iread quickly and then turned to face my mate.

did. That’s the last place he should be.” I nodded in agreement and then

Asher and then pinched the bridge of my

mistake on Dickson’s part. It was absolutely thoughtless. If he could have waited, we may have come up with a better plan together, but no. He had to rush into the most dangerous

to face him, his expression was far more gentle than anticipated. “I can

countered but my mate shook his

then he reached out and brushed

I leaned into his warm touch but had to force a smile. “How could I not worry? Becky is in the House of Moses and we don’t know if she’s alive or dead.” “Becky will be alright,” he assured me

asked me, and

acting like he’s asking for his death or something.” “It’s

You look familiar somehow.” A nervous pang traveled through

for your help,” I said, evading his questions, and then I grabbed Asher’s hand. “We

arm but he

you bring me

in confusion. “What do you need records for?” My mate hesitated for a moment. He ran his hands through his thick brown hair and studied

leave.” My frown deepened. “A patient? Who?” “You'll know when you see him,” he replied vaguely and then he turned to Max. “Will you bring

keen to oblige but nodded his head anyway and then disappeared. He returned

you,” my mate said

chest as I waited for an explanation. I wasn't certain what was happening and I wasn’t fond of surprises, especially when the situation with the House of Moses and our

to scan the records and waited patiently until he selected a sheet. He withdrew it from the folder and then | handed the records

he said again and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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