Chapter 302 Memory of the past CASSANDRA b As my heart dropped in my chest, I felt paralyzed from sheer disbelief.

I'wanted to reach out to touch his face or his hands. I wanted to tangibly feel that he was real, lying in this bed before me, but I couldn’t move. For all of these years, I had believed that Ector was dead.

When he had been exiled to the borderlands, I had given up any hope of ever seeing him again. Those exiled from Wegalla were never seen again and after the undoing of our family name, Ector was no exception. A small part of me had wished we would reunite one day, but after the inferno, that part of me went silent. Though my | 11

| heart ached for my dear brother, no one ever returned from the borderlands unless they were soldiers specifically sent on a mission.

But here he was, lying in this bed, breathing.

For a moment, I felt like I was about to collapse. My knees wavered but before I could fall, Asher reached out to stabilize me.

“Silas found him months ago out in the borderlands,” my mate explained as he held me. “But Silas wasn’t sure if he was Ector or not since we all presumed him to be dead after being exiled all those years ago. So, I went out there with him to check.” “That’s why you needed to leave Anemond,” I realized.

He nodded. “I'm sorry I didn’t tell you then, but I didn’t want you to be disappointed if it wasn’t him. I needed to be absolutely certain it was Ector before I said anything. And then things got... complicated after that. So much has happened since that there wasn’t an opportunity to tell you. I'm sorry, Cassandra.” “Don’t be sorry,” I assured him, and I offered him a small smile. “I understand, Asher. Things have been difficult.” After he nodded in agreement, I turned back to Ector.

“He looks so thin,” I remarked as I noted his hollow cheeks, and my heart ached at the sight. Though his hair was as beautiful as ever, he was clearly very malnourished. Given his appearance, 1

| could only imagine what his life had been like out in the borderlands, and the thought of him having to survive out there for all of this time...

The last time I'd seen my brother was after the trial. Our father had been sentenced to the death penalty and Ector was going to be banished.

In all honesty, I should have been banished like him, but back then, I had been the prince’s mate, so things had been different for me.

I was grounded and put on house arrest in Rosepetal, awaiting future trials.

The day Ector was set to leave Anemond, I was inconsolable. I wasn’t allowed to leave so I wouldn't be able to say goodbye.

Asher snuck in

gardens. — | Back then, my brother had been strong and confident. He believed our family’s name would be cleared and told me not to

this Ector looked completely

snap in

stop myself, I began to cry. Tears spilled onto my cheeks and I reached out

might not be emotionally stable,

attack when he feels threatened. Trust me, we’ve

sorcery. I didn’t look like I had back then, but beneath the dye I had used for so many years, my hair was just as golden as Ector’s. Though my features were no longer the same, I somehow

We were family.

moment my hand touched his cheek, Ector’s eyes opened wide, revealing

suddenly looked alert, like a | frightened animal, and his hands moved as if he

tensed, ready

Ector didn’t attack. Instead, he moved backward as if he were trying to protect himself, I

was about to open my mouth to say something, Ector began to yell and scream. He wasn’t saying any understandable words, just loud noises, and I

“ It’s okay.” Despite his rising emotions, I stared deeply into his eyes. Asher started to

handle this myself.

but continued to maintain

you recognize me?” I asked

and then stronger, as if he

and then

brother froze and silence hung in the air. His emerald

over me multiple times as if I were an

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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