Chapter 303 Supporters CASSANDRA My brother fell asleep a while later, still holding our mother’s amulet in his hands. He didn’t want to give it back to me, so I allowed him to keep it for now.

We left the room soon after, and once we stepped out into the hall, Asher took my hand in his.

“His physical condition seems like it’s improved,” he informed me. “He looks better than he did when I saw him last.

But his mental condition is still very poor.” “He must have been through a lot,” I said sadly.

Asher nodded. “The conditions out in

the borderlands are harsh. He was probably struggling to survive out there alone.” My lower lip trembled but I forced myself to remain strong. What mattered was that he was alive.

“I’m sure he'll only continue to improve,” I said. “Thank you for saving him, Asher.” He smiled at me warmly. “We’re mates now, Cassandra. You don’t need to thank me for anything.” “Still,” I insisted. “It means the world to me.” Asher nodded and then his face grew serious and he let out a sigh. “It’s Silas who deserves the thanks. Had it not been for him, we never would have found him. I owe my Beta so much.”

I considered what he had told me about Silas’ injuries in Sky Pride and then my eyebrows knitted together. Though we hardly knew each other, Silas Moses had never been a weak man. It struck me as odd that he still hadn’t recovered from his wounds and a thought crossed my mind.

“Was he really injured so badly that no healer in Anemond could save him?” I wondered.

My mate seemed confused and frowned at me. “What do you mean?” “It’s strange,” I explained. “IF the wound had been lethal, Silas would likely have perished on the road back here. But he didn’t. And strong young werewolves like Silas should heal p

quickly if the wound isn’t lethal.” “I"m not following,” Asher admitted.

“Do you remember when you were attacked by a bear during the hunting festival?” I reminded him. “You were wounded so badly that I thought you would die, but luckily, it wasn’t fatal, and you healed quickly. You recovered in a few hours.” Asher’s frown deepened.

mean to suggest that Silas can’t wake up because someone doesn’t want him to?” he

can’t figure out why someone wouldn’t want him to

him, what does he want? What's the point of keeping him unconscious...” Before I could finish my sentence, Asher and I seemed to come to the same

wanted him to stay away from something, something he would want to stop. But what? What action were they about to take? “Do you really think it’s Oliver?” he wondered. “Would he keep his son unconscious and deliberately arrange a farce? “It could be,” I replied. “It would raise people’s empathy, at least. What would be better to the public than

theory. I just can’t imagine how a father could use his son’s life for his own political plot. I would sacrifice anything for the life of my son. How could others think differently?” I wasn’t sure if Asher thought of Finnick or Marco when he made his

that the last Alpha King wanted to use Asher to speak with his dead wife. How much of

remember or know? I squeezed

you're going to be a better father than all of them.” “I’m not sure

just have to give it time.” My mate nodded and we fell into silence

Oliver is planning?” I

out,” he replied, and when I blinked at him in confusion, he continued to speak. “After Oliver claimed the ‘Alpha King

would need to see the councilors, but I think they would help me understand what's going on in this country and speculate what Oliver is planning.” Our plan had been to go straight to the House of Moses, but we decided our best course of action would be to call the councilors. The clinic would be the perfect place to meet since it was just far away enough from Merliscire to give us

and then went into one of the private meeting rooms. Once we were sure we couldn’t be overheard, I picked up

: and ensured that the councilors themselves were on the other

should have been three of

waited for the councilors to come to Keller's. “He was a good friend of Lancel’s back in the day.” I blinked at him, suddenly realizing that


a sigh and shook his head before I could utter a

he sighed as he ran his hand through his hair. “I’ve known him for so long. I know he never would have done that if he’d known it was a trap, and it was exactly because he cared about my feelings that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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