Chapter 304 Turning Point BECKY pe As I stared out the basement window, I couldn’t believe my eyes.

How had Dickson known I was here? I was grateful to see him but I was confused at how he had gotten here without being spotted by the many guards stationed around the House of Moses. My colleague wasn’t weak, but then again, I never would have taken him for a stealth operative.

Dickson looked around before he attempted to move the window, but to both of our dismays, the windows were nailed down. His forehead tensed as he strained to move it, and then he looked

at me and pointed at the door. His hand cupped his ear, gesturing for me to listen, and then he mouthed a sentence.

Is anyone at the door? I thanked my lucky stars that I could read lips easily and then shook my head.

Dickson nodded thoughtfully and then mouthed another sentence.

I'll get in through the door.

My eyes widened and I shook my head as hard as I could to emphasize how bad of an idea that was. It was much too dangerous to get inside the building. If he tried to save me, he would surely be captured and then placed in the same position I was, if not worse.

I wanted to mouth back, but the gag prevented me from speaking. Dickson didn’t seem to understand the reasoning behind my head shakes and simply offered me a smile before disappearing into the darkness.

I wanted to scream. Why had he come here? Was he truly convinced he could get me out of here? It was too impossible of a task even for the most seasoned fighters, and Dickson wasn’t a fighter. He was a healer, one who should have been waiting for me back at Keller’s as instructed.

Just as my frustration swelled, I heard the locks on the door click, and my heart dropped in my chest. Surely, Adalyn or one of her guards was back to hurt me.

Within a few seconds, the door opened,

and on the other side, much to my shock, was Dickson. He seemed out of breath but moved quietly and quickly: He carefully closed the door and then walked over to me.

He removed the cloth that had been placed in my mouth, and the moment I was able to speak, I questioned him a voice so low it was basically a whisper.

crazy, Dickson?”

What are you doing here?” He remained calm and didn’t seem offended by my harsh

alright?” he

sighed. “Adalyn won’t harm me, at least not for now. But I’m serious, Dickson, you need to leave before anyone finds you.” “What

didn’t dare answer him. Instead, my eyes

go,” I

to the legs of the chair. The cuffs were made of steel, so there was no way

me and my cheeks grew

should have been grateful

My stubbornness and stupidity had landed me here.

leave.” He placed his hand on my ankle and I gasped as pain

deeply bruised,” he assessed as I tried not to cry. “I'll try to

sharp pain ran through me again. I

clanging of chains rang out, and when I opened my eyes, I saw

was free! “How did you do that?” I demanded

you later,”

my head and then rose to my feet. The pain in my ankle grew stronger when I put my

leave and we needed

leave quickly.

Dickson helped me out of the basement. - Thankfully, the corridor was quiet and the front door wasn’t too far away, but I couldn’t move fast due to the pain in my ankle. I clenched my teeth in an attempt to subdue the hurt, and it worked a little,

the corner, we

I saw that he had done the same, but it was no use. The guards were too strong and managed to

some resisting,

with Oliver and Adalyn. The pair were in their night clothes and appeared annoyed to see

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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