Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate by A E Randell

Chapter 16 Adam, Please

Adam’s car was waved through the heavily guarded gatehouse without having to stop. The guards stiffened and saluted respectfully as they passed through.

Ann felt Maeve’s approval wash through her as they drove through the busy streets of the self contained town.

Title of the document

The houses were well maintained, and with a quick glance at the buildings surrounding she could see that the training grounds were being put to good use and from this distance at least seemed to be in good order. Ann noticed a couple of schools on site and frowned. “Alpha…” She began.

“Adam, please, Ann.” He interjected flatly with the ghost of a smile on his face.

“Yes, of course, sorry, Adam,” She corrected hurriedly, “You have your own schools within the pack?”

themselves.” He said firmly as he pulled off the road and into a sweeping driveway that

whole point of having mixed species schools is to ensure the supernaturals integrate with each other as well as the humans. We can’t afford for the races to be

to be active and spar with their friends, grudges are not tolerated they are resolved amicably. They are taught the history of the world, not just the human

for when

they lose all those

can’t you add those as a compulsory study in the evenings

or giving


this Ann. We aren’t doing

“Our pack…”

Adam growled lightly.

free to choose whether or not they want to attend the schools offered here or in the city. Most choose here because we do not tolerate


of our Omega’s are bullied for being lesser than the ranked wolves? How many Omega’s do you think are mistreated within the pack structure? Do you think they

Ann remained silent.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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