Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate by A E Randell

Chapter 17 Welcome To The Pack, Luna

Adam waited at the top of the set of stairs that led from the pathway to the veranda that spanned the width of the building.

Ann was a little impressed with the size of the main house. Its grey and white brick were accented with black slate rooftops and white pillars ran the length of the veranda, various flowering plants climbing languidly along the screens placed intermittently between them.

Title of the document

It probably had more in common with a small palace rather than a mansion, just because of its sheer size. It certainly reminded her of the royal palace, although the architecture and design of this house were far more modern.

Ann was a little curious about the need for a 4 storey house, but after the frosty reception she had with her questions about the education provided, she thought she would wait a little longer before she asked anything else. Adam’s demeanor was a little off, and he seemed to be a little cold toward her compared to his earlier warmth. He took her hand firmly, with no trace of a smile on his face.

“I would prefer it if you would at least attempt not to contradict me in front of the pack. I appreciate that you have different ideas of how to do things here, but any discussions will be held in the privacy of our room, or offices. A united front is imperative.” He stated in a very businesslike tone.

nodded meekly as her heart sank a little and

even been here an hour and you’ve already pissed

agreed that I would make him like

yours…I don’t

you want me to roll over and agree to everything he wants like a good

wrong is the same as putting a gun filled with silver bullets in their head. You have to be smarter than

back the sarcastic replies that formed on

not stupid. You might not be aware of my background, but I’m

nor the alliances he tries in vain to forge. It seems to turning your

if she had been struck across the face. She fumed silently as the front door was opened and he instinctively reached for

lined up in a uniform manner, and bowed

cast toward her, she plastered on her face the most welcoming expression

the Alpha King to sit quietly and demurely, speaking softly to showcase their ability to rule with grace and nobility, nothing more than pretty little dolls who could be easily moulded into

hated every second of those meetings. She was always complimented on her submissive nature in diplomacy yet fierce nature on the battlefield. With her and her wolf two halves of a

have been an uproar. The question remained whether she would be

greeted them happily while her mind

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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